
star master

New Member
of coarse but not a small one. Usually 3-5 inches to start is good. I have a chocolate chip star in my tank with a puffer, lion, and 2 eels.


Active Member
Puffers (particularly larger species - porcupine, dogface, etc), large species of wrasse and triggerfish are natural predators of seastars. You can keep them together, but it is a risk. I would only keep predatory stars, such as chocolate chips, generals and red African in a predator tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Puffers (particularly larger species - porcupine, dogface, etc), large species of wrasse and triggerfish are natural predators of seastars. You can keep them together, but it is a risk. I would only keep predatory stars, such as chocolate chips, generals and red African in a predator tank.
So you think it is a managable risk? With a dogface and a lunar wrasse?


Active Member
I had a sand sifting star in my 220 gallon aggressive tank with a Volitan and a Clown Trigger, and even though the star was buried the Clown Trigger still found it and ate the little guy. So I would say it depends on your stock list.


Active Member
I tried 4 different types of stars and all of them were beaten brutally. My angels were the worst.
I tried a chocolate, red general, sand sifting, and linka. Each of them had missing legs within hours of being placed in the tank.
My sand sifting star was dug out by my Niger and Emperor.
Okay I put the orange/red starfish (can't tell color or species) in the tank. He's doing great. The groupers are not messing with him. He have went from the sand to the rocks to the glass.He's good size so he looks like a giant to them.

The red general is a beauty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Okay I put the orange/red starfish (can't tell color or species) in the tank. He's doing great. The groupers are not messing with him. He have went from the sand to the rocks to the glass.He's good size so he looks like a giant to them.

The red general is a beauty.
I've had predatory stars with groupers, lions, tangs, shark, ray. These are not nippers so the star should be ok with them.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I tried 4 different types of stars and all of them were beaten brutally. My angels were the worst.
I tried a chocolate, red general, sand sifting, and linka. Each of them had missing legs within hours of being placed in the tank.
My sand sifting star was dug out by my Niger and Emperor.
I am assuming that the triggers or angels would eat snails and shrimp also?