???Start a Trigger Police???


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Anyone want to start a trigger police they are so often abused because they are "small" and such pretty little fishies


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I think with all of the new screen names in here and the new lions everyones buying Lion Fish Police would be much more effective. How about Feeder Police?


Active Member
we already have an unofficial police force roaming the boards, problem is that the police are often ignored and then we get tired of trying to help. Hence the need for my long vacation last week.:yes:


Active Member
Ditto. Although I love to lend a hand and help, dont get me wrong, but after a while you get tired of answering the same questions until you stop answering all together. If I have to explain the minimum tank size and filtration requirements for a bamboo one more time...


I Think puffers Need This The most, Oh They're So Small So Shut Up About What I Put In My Tank, Whatever Two Months Later They're Saying That They Have A Ten Inch monster On Their Hands Someone Help


lol, the problem is ppl dont listen the funny part is the ppl who dont listen dont stay in the hobby long because they get pissed when the tank crashes because of huge bio loads in there small tank with lions or triggers or what ever, all that money down the drain, even worse all those fish down the drain.


And they get upset because the triggerfish kill the lionfish, even though they were told they would, but WANT them both anyways.
Mother Nature could give a rat's *** what people WANT to keep together...those guys already have their menu made out, and if people keep insisting on giving them $75 live feeders, oh well.
They almost always WERE told though


Or locked in a closet with a grizzly bear for several hours! It's the same as locking a lionfish and a triggerfish in a small tank together.


Active Member
problem is that the police are often ignored and then we get tired of trying to help
No, the problem actually is that the "police" oftentimes can't stop themselves from being righteous and rude in their posts. People ignore the ATTITUDE, not the advice.


Active Member
That's true at times, but I very rarely have attitude in any of my posts and I still see people post "my fish is dead" after others told them a few months ago the tank was too small, the filtration was too little, and such. I don't remember getting an attitude with more than a couple select posters, who had it coming.


Active Member
Actually, polarpooch, I take that back, those people aren't the ones that get to me. It's the poster, one or two I've witnessed, who have gotten good information from three or more people, then said those experienced people didn't know what they were talking about and they were completely wrong, with a few choice insults. Then a month later comes the "my fish is dead" post.
I don't mind those who get information and choose not to use it as much I guess, it's their money. But I mind most those people who get good information from several sources, call people trying to help ignorant and attack their opinion, and then come back asking for more information when the fish goes.


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Moray M,
I agree there are some IDIOTS on this board. Don't get me wrong...on that I AGREE. They'll ignore advice, fire back something stupid and later on, post their fish has died.
But so many times I have seen someone post a legitimate question about a problem and get hammered because, say, their tang is in a 55g. No other reason to slam the person, except for their tank size. Tank size is the root of all evil to the "police" on this board. Nothing else matters but tank size. Some kid will post a question about his baby yellow tang he is housing in his small tank that had an ich outbreak, and it NEVER fails...someone will hammer him (or her) about tank size--then not even bother to address the ich question. It's almost always rude, and almost always useless to the problem at hand.
I JUST recently GOT HAMMERED for tank size. I've been at this hobby for years, no SH** I know about tank size and optimum fish health. But some useless fool on this board thought it pertinent to "inform me" quite tersely that a green moray cannot live forever in a 125g. Give me a break. Incidently a green moray CAN live a very long time in a 125, but certainly it's not optimum...BUT THANK YOU MASTER AQUARIASTS, I learned all about it a long time ago. Nor did anywhere that person ask me if I had planned a bigger tank in the future. Might have been a good question to ask, yes? (By the way, the answer is yes...as I've posted a number of times...but who cares, right?) Tank size. Tank size. Tank size. Better not keep that tiny yellow tang in 55g for a year, it'll die FOR SURE. No it won't. That's just stupid. I know it's stupid, because I've done it. In a 29g...and heavens oh my, my yellow tang did just swimmingly until I moved him to my reef, where he continues to do swimmingly. Fish do not DIE because the tank is too small. It's a myth. Even a big yellow tang will survive a 20g tank if your filtration is effective enough. For crying out loud, there are EXPERIMENTS you can read about that talk all about this. It's how companies test their filters' abilities to handle bioload. Obviously, it's not recommended...but give me a break on the tank size. It's not the end all, be all of aquarium success.
Another person recently pointed out uselessly that my morays would eat fish. Really? Morays eat fish? I did not know that!
You see...I'm venting here...but you get my point. Most tank police are rude, and righteous, and they should THINK...or at least endeavor to ask the right questions before their unleash their ire.


Active Member
Sorry, I actually do remember your recent posts concerning the fish you humbly saved from the LFS only to have people rant at you about morays.
Well if that's the kind of stuff the "police" are doing, maybe I'm not on that police force after all, more of a consultant I guess.:D After all, I myself started with a moray in a 20g, that was then bumped all the way to a 75g over time. So I've been there before, luckily I just didnt talk about it since I hadnt found the board yet, heh heh.
Sorry about your recent issues, hopefully those guys stay alive with the green, depends on the individual specimen, I've had a moray living with a cleaner shrimp for years, whereas other people have said they've had no luck. Depends on the specimen, hopefully you'll be okay, although if I remember correctly your green had a taste for meat concerning one of your other eels in there. That story made me think twice about putting two of my guys together, which turned out to be a good idea since one of them has since developed a bad temper, so I should be thanking you for that.


Active Member
Yeah, the tank size myth is a good one, but i've just found it a good rule of thumb to advise new aquarists to go with a larger tank size since it's more stable. Though we all know it all boils down to filtration, with more water everything's just so much more stable, especially salinity if you get a good canopy. So I just find it easier to reccomend a larger tank when new aquarists are trying to keep a lot of fish in one tank, hopefully that way they'll have a more stable tank and enjoy the hobby more. I almost got sick of the hobby and walked away after my first 29g failed. Luckily, I did some more research and am here today six years later. On that note, my first moray eel is still alive, surviving the 29g and the single Whisper filter for three years, so even small tanks with NO real filtration work for some specimens, but kids, don't try this at home.


Hey Polar, I'm probably one who jumped in and hammered, but I hope it was in such a way that it wasn't a personal attack on you.
In my opinion a green moray is something that ought to be barred from sales in the stores, just as 99% of the people who buy reticulated pythons have no business having them.
For every person like you who knows what's coming, there's 25 who can't screw in a lightbulb, and these folks NEED to be discouraged.
As for making the save at the LFS, good job, by the way....I just did the same thing with a little Gymnothorax saxicola, a bunny compared to a green, but when I caught my first one that "bunny" bit halfway through my finger!! :D
Re your green, I was almost killed by an 18 foot reticulated python that had been purchased and raised by a walking blonde joke, and once I survived (barely) the episode, I turned them in to the SPCA, who got a court order and removed it.
It was just a miracle the snake hadn't gotten one of their small children!!
The poor snake hadn't been fed in almost a year or even watered in close to 6 weeks, and was in a cage 5 feet long, cruelty in anyone's books....the tip off came when I was laying on the floor, wrapped in it's coils and with the jaws locked on my wrist (one of those moments where time slows to almost nothing).....as I watched the blood gushing from my arteries the damned snake was drinking (make that gulping) it like there was no tomorrow.
With an 8 or 9 foot green moray the liklihood of something similar is just too great.....if one of them crawls out and a small child finds it before it perishes, the results will definitely make the headlines" and certainly NOT help the public's eye view of our hobby, the way really stupid LAWS get passed by legislators who don't know a cow from a whale.
Just to show I DO understand about rescues of this sort, though, here's photo of an old pet of mine for you...recognize the type of animal?
His name was Ghost.


One Person That Really Got On My Nerves Was The Case Of A Boy Putting A Porcupine Puffer And Niger Trigger In A Fifty-Five Galllon Tank With No Intention On moving Up His Tank size. Well We Told Him That He Needed A Bigger Tank He Didn't Listen And two Days Later His Puffer Was Dead Along With His niger I Can't Stand Cases That Any Puffer Or Trigger Is Killed At That Any Innocent Fish That Isn't Killed For Humane Reasons Makes Me Furious At People That Do It


Active Member
Conogre, it wasn't you I was talking about...! Ghost looks like a husky...but maybe a white shepherd? (Retics...that's a whole other topic. I know a guy who got a retic because they were the "ultimate bad-a$$" snake. He turned it over to a woman here who rescues snakes because it got too big. She can't get rid of it. It's already 11ft long. Same with Burmese pythons...these things are a dime a dozen here.)
I don't want to name names...I'm really not trying to flame. I like most of the members on this board, but do get frustrated at the "police".
MorayM...I've read your posts, you give good advice, and I've never noticed that you've been rude to anyone.
The typical tank police just slam, and do not offer any useful advice beyond: your tank is too small. These are the folks I'm talking about. The tank police are the ones who cruise the photog forum, and post "that tank looks pretty small for a blue hippo", when you're just trying to show off your new camera, or a cool fish you have. The tank police never ask questions...they just ASSUME. And you know the old cliche about that!
Incidently, I don't often get hammered by the tank police (though recently I have), but I read posts from well meaning people who need help and don't get it. I feel bad for them. I wonder if they just leave the forum never to return because of it.


Polar, that's a white wolf, with my other dog then being a Rhodesian ridgeback.
There are some people who just aren't happy unles they are downright attacking others, kind of walking attitudes with legs attatched and others who are actually stupid, assuming that if they can drag others down to their level it's now even.
Don't of course, forget the trollers who are just bored and love to get a hot argument going.
It takes all kinds, but sometimes the problem really is that we just need more white sharks at the beach.:D