start of Cyno?


Is this the start of Red Slime or a form of it? I noticed a couple of months ago but it looks like it is spreading....not sure if you can tell by the pic but it is a dark red, not stringy, mostly on the LR in patches? It seems very hard like coraline?
Any ideas?


really? No need to worry then. i didn't think it would be a dark maroon red like that? I was a little worried with all of the slime algae is some of the same color but growing in layers?


Active Member
The layering one is probably coraline as well...there are many different varieties of coraline algae.


your are lucky. Thats some real cool stuff. I had the dark red but not the plate type that you have. Real nice!


The light green above the layering algae is a type of grape caulp I think. Unfortunatly I have a bit this stuff here and there, just have to pull it out. Just above it is a bunch of that feather caulp as well, started growing on the rock a cabbage leather was on. Not sure how to get rid of it though?? Any ideas?


Active Member
you can take the rock out and scrub it in saltwater with a nylon brush...make sure you rinse it well in another container of saltwater...
or you can just harvest it...sometimes we over react with anything green in the tank that isnt an invert of fish...but it is a personal decision on what you want.


Yea its definatly corralline I have some that looks excactly like that. I scrub it from time to time to get it to release spores. It is starting to slowly spread.


actually I think the green feather stuff looks kind of neat.....but like you said the green just looks out of place, and I would hate for it to get out of hand in the tank.
I do have another type which I will send pics of later that I DO want to get rid of. I haven't seen anything like it on this board. It isn't hair, isn't is green, grows like a bushy branch, not a bright green, more like a forest green.......I am baffled and it is spreading!! I will attach a pic later.