start of my new 10 gallon reef


these are some pics i took i just set everything up tonight water still cloudy and stuff i had the tank and stand and hood around i went to the store and bought the the filter it is a aqua clear 100 and it turned in to a fuge every one rate my tANK TELL ME WHAT YA THINK


Active Member
that filter is huge for a 10 gallon, if anything u shoudl put it in like a 20-30, but very good so far, good luck wit it


It Is Big But The Lfs Said Bigger The Better So Put The Biggest You Can Fit So Thast What I Bought Im Going To Store To Buy Some More Rock Today The Water Clearing Up Thgis Morning


Active Member
thats an aquaclear 110 if I am not mistaken 500gph. I would set the flow rate lower than full throttle. I think 50X flow rate is going to be too much for that tank (for most softies) great if your going to go SPS. I would set it to its lowest setting to make the fuge part the most efficient, then add one small powerhead on one side of the tank to break up the tumble flow of the filter, creating a more unpredictable flow pattern that is more to the needs of corals.



this is day two i went to the fish place and bought 8 lbs of fiji live rock and a new light which will give me 40 watts so after i get it up and running good i will switch light to something a little higher wattage



this is a update currently i have 12 lbs of fiji live rock in basically full 3 lbs of live sand and one maxijet 1200 power head and a aquaclear 110 made in to a fuge plus for lighting i have a 40 watt coralife smartpaq light so with all this info once it cycled what kiinda corals and fish should i put in this


there is so many people on this board that nop so much please share please please please answer all my questions i dont wanna kill fish that just dont belong out of ocean byt puttting them in a small reeef tank or someything or getting a coral that will die under my lights please help


I would start with a couple of shrooms or zoo's for corals. Something easy and low light. as for fish. Be careful you wont be able to put much in htere. so choose carefully.Maybe a fire gobie(dartfish) Maybe even a small percula clown. I would limit yourself on the fish. and stick with the sofites. Get a couple snails and a few hermits maybe even a emerald and that should do fora cleanup crew. Just take it slow and see what works out. youll probably have to buy a few more snails later on because as your hermits grow they will like to take over your snail shell. Good luck.


You gotta chill out... People will get around to answering your questions. With that current set-up you cant really have many fish. Maybe a couple clown gobies and a firefish? What are you wanting to house in this thing?
As far as these lights are concerned I'd say your gonna have to stick with soft corals... Mushrooms, zoos, xenia, GSP, leathers etc.

fish addict

That might work but I think they are both pretty territorial and six lines have been known to get a little mean so I think you might want to stick with a goby and/or a clown.


I think it might work. It looks like you have enough hiding places for it. I'd probably go with a bottom dweller and a midwater fish personally to spice it up. You are limited, so like fish addict said, you could go with a goby of some sort and maybe your wrasse/gramma.