start out a small tank for say an apartment


Hi everyone.. I'm not to this hobby yet.. and looking around to start out FRESH!! Always had an interest in saltwater..
Just want to know if i want to start out a small tank for say am apartment.. (Not to pricey-will do that when I move into a house) I see that some of you from your pics have 15 G tanks up to 25 G tanks... (and don't forget the 600 G one WOW)
When i start out what sort of things do I need. Me and my GF really like the clown fish (yes another one)...
As I have been reading i know i need a tank... live sand, live rock???? filter, light and????
I really like DeMartini - Sexy Shrimp tank from this post
So if i would go such a route what would this cost me around??? Could I buy a used tank from the buy and sell and start there... What would the monthly costs be? as no one really writes about that stuff..
Any info for this newbie would be great....
P.S i'm from Halifax N.S Canada..
Thanks Rick

mandarin w

Your monthly cost would depend on what equipment: skimmer, powerhead, different pumps lights. All of this would vary the electrical usage greatly. It also depends on what your power cost. Lucky for me. I live in a town that handles thier own power and water. So I don't pay nearly as much as friends with smaller system pay.
My utillity bill is water, electric, gas, trash and sewer.
I run a 180 with a75 gal sump, This system has 3x250 Metal Halides, ASM G4 skimmer, 4 seio power heads, ect.
Next tank is a 75 gal with a T-5 lighting system, Then I have a 50 gallon breeder, and 29 gallon and a 12 nano.
I make my own RO/DI water for my water changes, My utillity bill has run basically $150 for the last 4 months. In the summer with the ac running it was running about $180. a month. But friend in other towns pay about $475. for the elect. and $120. water. So you see there is really no way to tell you what to exspect as far as utility costs.


Not sure about the price of the 14 gallon tank itself. But from that post your looking at
15# LR @ $5 a pound = $75
20# Sand (if you got the bag kind) = $20 to $40 depending where you buy it
RO Water $15
Average price for Nano type fish are $20
Corals will run an average of $20 to $30
Anemones average $15 to $20
Cleanup Crew about $40 to $50
With all this and a guess on the Tank and Equiptment your looking at $500 plus for a 14 gallon setup...


Active Member
you can check the classified threads for used equipment, and the diy threads for ideas on how to build an inexpensive wet dry filter which might save you some money.


Thanks for some info.. what is RO???? yes i'm a newbee.. is that the water.. do you buy it? or can't you just use normal tap water. and clean it some way?


Active Member
the nano thread is a great place for you to start. Just take a look around and see what other tanks people have. I have the 14 gallon BioCube made by Oceanic and I love it. The tank comes with everything you need to start up a reef tank. The lights are good enough to hold a great variety of corals. It also comes with a filter. The tank costs about $150.
You can buy a bag of sand and some live rock... you need at least 1 pound of live rock for every 1 gallon of water. I have about 20 pounds of live rock in my tank. I suggest buying salt water from your local fish store. I pay $5 a week for that.
You can keep 2-3 small fish in the 14 gallon. I have 2 true percs (clowns) and a royal gramma
if you have any more questions then feel free to ask me or make a thread in the nano section. Welcome! and good luck!


Active Member
it's pretty intense to try a nano not on the coast.
i wish there were a shoot at a tank smiley right now.


Originally Posted by maeistero
it's pretty intense to try a nano not on the coast.
i wish there were a shoot at a tank smiley right now.

Have you seen Demartini's tank? She pretty much runs the nano thread. She has done more with her nano tank than most people have done on here with their huge tanks!!! I suggest you go take a look. I did the other day and I was very impressed


Active Member
yes DeMartini is the nano queen!!!
whatever advice she gives you....take it and be thankful. She is the master of all the nano padowans...


Originally Posted by joncat24
yes DeMartini is the nano queen!!!
whatever advice she gives you....take it and be thankful. She is the master of all the nano padowans...

You are correct, but
Luv ya Demartini, no offense, just a funny!


wow thanks for all the great advice.
DeMartini - So if i were to get the 14 G tank.. Do i need to have a quarantine tank? if you have such a small tank??


Originally Posted by Gmidd
Anemones average $15 to $20
Do you need an Anemones?? to have a clown fish? and i read somewhere they are hard to keep?


Originally Posted by imfsub12
Do you need an Anemones?? to have a clown fish? and i read somewhere they are hard to keep?
No clownfish do not need anenomes to survive. They can be hard if you do not have perfect water paramerts and strong light.


Active Member
you do not need an anemone and they are very risky in small tanks and some get very large many have high lighting needs except for aipstatia but you dont want those or mojano


ok thanks..
here is another question.. my LFS said that i needed crused coral for the base.. but most of you said to use live sand? what is the diff? is there a preff?


New Member
Originally Posted by imfsub12
ok thanks..
here is another question.. my LFS said that i needed crused coral for the base.. but most of you said to use live sand? what is the diff? is there a preff?
BY no means an expert in this hobby, but can tell u my disaster on C Coral
30 gal tank with cc problem with high nitrates,high amonia and the clean up crew cant get in to clean it as well as if was sand. Im a live sand believer now. Altho some threads I have read on here some have good luck. Just have to vacuum with out stiring it up, But I say LIve sand
am working on a 55 gal now to put my fish in and clean out c coral and start over with live sand in my 30 gal. by the way hobby is very addicting lol have a 10 gal,a 30 gal and now a 55 gal. all running cross fingers and going well ( except 30 gal but will be good as soon as I get cc out I think. Good luck with your new tank (when you get it) and listen to all advice, read threads and learn. Some lfs just want your money and tell u stuff not quite right more mistakes more fish die more they sell. Happy Saturday All. :happyfish


Thanks Peppergc..
after I get my tank up and running.. what things do i have to buy each month. to keep it going and what are the costs associatied to it? ie, food, chemicals? for like a 14 g tank