Started My 1ST Tank - TODAY!!


Active Member
YAY!! Oh THANK you :eek:)
I'm so excited that my Mother is trying to have me commited...and she's not even in my house to see me staring at it!


Active Member
yeah mimzy i just started my new tank (yesterday) and thought i was in hot water
about the bubbles. I guess im ok


Active Member
Good thing about the shopping list!! You should really get those readings so you know everything is good.
You should start seeing your first activity in about 2-3 weeks.


Active Member
OK, went to LFS to get Hydrometer and thermometer.
THEY HAD NO THERMOMETERS!!! No in-tank thermometers, no on-tank thermometers... NOTHING!! What kinda.... GRR!!

But I DID get a hydrometer - the instant ocean kind, too, just like everyone said I should. Nice and easy to read.
So, I took my SG & Salinity and did all my other parameters as well, here's the list:
(keep in mind the tank has been running for 24 hours exactly)
SG: 1.028
Salinity: 38
nitrate: 40
nitrite: 3.0
hardness: 250
Ph: 8.4
amonia: 0.25
Alkalinity: ...again with the color that does not exist (my color is blue, and all the colors on the chart are greens)... I don't get it - I didn't hold the strip under for very long, and I followed the directions and shook off the water... what could be going on? :notsure:
I'll stop by a different LFS tommorrow and get a thermometer ... but for now...
How'm I doin?? :thinking:


Your tank looks great!! You must be SO excited!!
Keep up the good's a good thing, IMO, that you're not rushing...your tank will be better in the long run.


Active Member
Thanks so much, Eric! I'm tryin... this whole experience has been an excersise in patience... good for ya! Builds charachter, as Dad would say!
Anyone knnow what I should do about the weird Alkalinity readings? Both times I tested I got blue and the chart only has greens on it... Made sure not to keep the test in the water too long, shook off the water - just like the diresctions said... I don't get it. :notsure: :notsure:


New Member
i have a ten gallon (first tank) and i barely have any nitrite or ammonia. i want the cycle to start, i got live sand and some bait shrimp to start it up, but why is the ammonia and nitrite so low?
cool tank btw


Active Member
Nice Mimzy! Congrats. You are definately on your way. Rock looks too, IMO you might want to ensure the branch coral is secured good or can't come tumblin down. Ha! Like your list as well, good start. Mine has been up a month already. Love it! Good luck and keep us posted.


Originally Posted by SWFISHFAN
fire shrimp suck imo, they are very beautiful to see after a few times but cleaner shrimp are the best
i'm not going to turn this thread into a debate or anything but i will say that i don't fire shrimp are very full of personality and the clean the fish just fine...three or four of my fish had ich which i didn't notice in the fish shop but after about 4 or 5 days of the shrimp working on each fish there were no signs of it and still have been none to this day!!!
BTW - you got a good start may want to think about upgrading ur light to PC lighting before any kind of coral can go in there including polyps


Active Member
Thanx for the encouragement, everyone! That, coupled with all the amazing info I've been getting around here is what really keeps me going. It's so great that a whole bunch of total strangers can be so supportive of each other. :yes:
As for the branch-bridge I've got, it was so weird...there is a notch in each piece of lace rock that the ends of the branch just slide right into - almost as if they were carved to fit! It's suprisingly sturdy, but I might end up trying to secure it before I get critters anyhow...any suggestions as to what adhesive to use? :notsure:
The pieces aren't that big, so I wouldn't want to drill holes in em.
The tank came with some samples of different foods, so I've been phantom feeding to start the nitrogen process... but the amonia still isn't very high. I might pick up a cocktail shrimp at the supermarket 2morrow when I go to get my thermometer.
Ashvinz - how long have u had the shrimp in there? It just might not have had enough time to decompose yet!
Dea, I must say, I'm with ya on the fire shrimp...they're just soooo pretty!!

As far as the lighting goes, a bunch of people on this site have the same exact setup I do, and theyve been keeping simple things like shrooms and zoos quite well in theirs. Eventually I might modify the lights, but in order to do that I'd have to remove the entire fixture and start from scratch... the tank came as a complete kit, and only fits one kind of lamp. ::rolleyes:: We'll see - got a ways to go b4 all that anyhow :joy:
It's been suggested (on another forum) that I get my salinity and specific gravity down - so I'm gonna try to get some distilled water somewhere tommorrow... Anyone ageee/disagree? Anything else I should adjust?


Active Member
Awesome!! As eric said, you must be so excited!!!! Looks great!! Can't wait to see it progress!!
P.S. watch out for phil (and his bro whose on here too)


Originally Posted by Mimzy
OK, went to LFS to get Hydrometer and thermometer.
THEY HAD NO THERMOMETERS!!! No in-tank thermometers, no on-tank thermometers... NOTHING!! What kinda.... GRR!!

But I DID get a hydrometer - the instant ocean kind, too, just like everyone said I should. Nice and easy to read.
So, I took my SG & Salinity and did all my other parameters as well, here's the list:
(keep in mind the tank has been running for 24 hours exactly)
SG: 1.028
Salinity: 38
nitrate: 40
nitrite: 3.0
hardness: 250
Ph: 8.4
amonia: 0.25
Alkalinity: ...again with the color that does not exist (my color is blue, and all the colors on the chart are greens)... I don't get it - I didn't hold the strip under for very long, and I followed the directions and shook off the water... what could be going on? :notsure:
I'll stop by a different LFS tommorrow and get a thermometer ... but for now...
How'm I doin?? :thinking:
wow great start ! Since I hear your gonna have some corals you should buy a CALCIUM tester down the road. I just bought some of the additives for my corals and it wasn't too cheap. I know the owner though so i got about $5 discount..


Originally Posted by DEA_MT
i'm not going to turn this thread into a debate or anything but i will say that i don't fire shrimp are very full of personality and the clean the fish just fine...three or four of my fish had ich which i didn't notice in the fish shop but after about 4 or 5 days of the shrimp working on each fish there were no signs of it and still have been none to this day!!!
BTW - you got a good start may want to think about upgrading ur light to PC lighting before any kind of coral can go in there including polyps
I think thats the eclipse that came with the mini little PC lights, it's enough to keep simple corals.


Congrats on the Tank. So you went with the eclipse! I have one to, but on are bigger scale, 29gallon. Any way, if you want polyps and shrooms, you will need to get a 10,000 Kelvin bulb, not the 5,000K. I see you were wondering about the Alk. Check out one the stickies post by Bang Guy in a different forum, I can't remember which one.... It explains the relationship of pH, Alkalinity and Calcium.
Good Luck with the tank :happyfish


Active Member
Thanx chamic, that post was very informative... I learned that I will need to do a limewater drip when I get my corals. LoL

But I'm still confused about my test results... I've got Mardel 5in1 test strips and the pad for alkalinity keeps coming up a color that doesnt exist on the interpretation chart.
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
I've only tested twice...we'll see what happens when I test in the morning... but anyone know what could be going on?


Congrats on the new tank!!
Everything looks to be in good shape. I would also lower the SG a little bit and the pH may be a little high as well. I just wanted to warn you about the test strips you are using, IMO they are not very reliable. I used them for the first few months I had my tank and my measurements were very inconsistant. I was advised to spend the money on a good test kit (Salifert) and get accurate measurements before I continued to try and solve tank issues do to inconsistant readings. The Salifert test kits are pretty expensive, but having accurate measurements is the start to keeping a healthy aquarium. Good luck and keep us posted on the progress.


Active Member
OK a thermometer. Temp is a consistant 79degrees - without a heater. :happy:
Also phantom fed today.
I haven't taken any more parameters b/c I need to lower the salinity in the morning and I don't want to waste any test strips.
I'll test the heck out of it about 2hours after the water change (I figure 2 hours is enough for the filters to sufficiently mix :notsure:
In the meantime, the water is beautiful today - crystal clear.
I decided to move the rocks around a bit - nothing drastic, just adjusting for symmetry.
Let me know what you all think!
:joy: :joy: :joy:
(2nd & 3rd pix are closeups of some really pretty orange/yellow coraline I got on my lace rock)



Active Member
Your tank looks great! May I ask you about the lights, your pictures of your tank is that with the 13 watt 5000K lights?
Do you find that the 5000K gives a bit of a blue hue to the water?


Active Member
Thanx Deb, and yup, the pix are all with the 13watt 5000k lights. :yes:
Shh!! don't tell anyone I've got the lights on during the cycle!!!!'s only for the pix guys, I swear!!

As for a blue-ish hue... I haven't noticed one at all. Is your background blue? Perhaps there's reflection?
The lights I've got are quite starkly white. It's really pretty. Wish I had some moonlights...maybe I can figure that one out after the cycle. That purple you see in the pic is my camera's doing. I'm gonna hafta straighten him out ona these days....

Oh...4got to mention...everyone around here made me so nervous about rocks moving around, so I put epoxy on the shopping list along with my distilled water.


Active Member
ok, did a 1gallon water change with R/O water today - here are my readings after allowing the tank 2 hours to fully mix and settle etc:
Salinity: 34
SG: 1.025
amonia: .025
nitrate: 40
nitrite: 5.0
hardness: 425
pH: 8.4
temp: 78
still can't get a good alkalinity reading.
Should I be worried about my pH? Shall I lower it with some baking soda dissolved in my topoff water? If so - how much should I put in?
Thank you all!!