Starter Fish


I love these fish. It is a yellow clown goby. I aloso like yellow watchmaan gobies too. Would they be good starter fish for a 25 gal?


Active Member
i have never had experience with either clown goby or the yellow watchman but my firefish goby is very hardy. how long has your tank been set up? how long did you cycle? if you cycled already and everything is great like your water parameters then i think you would be able to get either. what kind of sand bed are you using? if its live sand then you can get the yellow watchmen as they like to burrow


Active Member
A clown gobie or most gobies for that fact would be good starter fish but dont be suprised if they hide for a week or more before you see them.


Active Member
After your tank cycles... sure.. either a yellow watchman or a clown goby is a fine choice as a starter... really you SHOULD start with something like a damsel or chromis to make sure they survive before adding another fish... both are great fish with lots of personality.. you'll find yourself watching your clown goby day and night =c) and the watchman goby can pair up with some pistol shrimp to form a very interesting symbiotic behavior that is awesome to watch. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Saving money to buy a fish tank + extras huh..... I have a 55gal tank and the money keeps on going and going. Tank, lights, sump, refugium, power heads, maintenance supplies, corals.
Now what do you do when you have these sub standard fish in your tank and you want standard + fish ?
Send them to the toilet see or keep them plus your other fish ?


Active Member
Dont flush fish just because you regret buying them. Most LFS places will take them back for some credit or for free at least it wouldnt be killing it. If you dont plan on having damsles as a final product of your tank then dont buy them.