Starter Fish


I am just starting up a 24 gal tank that I bought used (poor student). Cycling with LR currently. I was wondering what some good fish to start with are, I have heard that damsels are too territorial. Also, when should I add something like a cleaner shrimp?
I have future hopes of getting a Flame Angel and a Tang (either Yellow, Powder Blue or Regal). Is a 24 gal too small for a Tang and an Angel?


Active Member
Good starter fish are clown fish. They are hardy, colorful and have good personalities. Just don't mix different clowns together. You can add the cleaner a little while after the cycle has finished. Tangs must be in at least a 75 gallon, and a 24 gallon is too small for an angel fish. Good luck with your tank!


clownfish are great starter fish. As said above, they have great personalities. They are very hardy and disease resistent. They're pretty cool critters. You could also get a small wrasse like a six line. Those are pretty cool too.


Thanks for the help and encouragment.
Tangs and Angels out huh, ouch! I guess that I will have to start counting my pennies for that 75 gal tank.
What else can I put in to keep the clownfish and wrasse company? Either fish or inverts. Any advice is appreciated.


New Member
i had the same size tank. I got 30 lbs of live rock, and 3 inch sand. i only had two firefish, and a tomato clown. they are pretty hardy and smally within 4inches so i would recommand them. maybe a blennie,or just jawfish there pretty cool.
Yup, the wrasse, clowns and fire fish are all hardy. The angel you mentioned and I think might fit the size, but the flame angel is one of the more aggresive dwarf angels, so... also not as hardy as what has been mentioned.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I am an angel lover at heart too, and in that size tank I can recommend Centropyge argi, commonly known as the dwarf angel or cherubfish. They are the dwarfs of the dwarf angels, with the largest males geting to 3 inches. They are commonly sold at 1 inch and would do fine in your tank for years IMO. I have seen them happily kept in 20s before. They have that angelfish character and can keep your angel-urges under control until you purchase a larger tank. As to what they look like, when small they are almost all blue, like a stepped on blueberry. as they get older they develop a yellow face. Stay away from the flame too IMO in that tank.
Another fish not mentioned are pseudochromis. Check these out. Be careful with a small setup and do your research. They require all that larger tanks do but there is much less margine for error. Good luck and have patience.


In a 24g tank I wouldn't reccommend any angel not even C. argi! The pair of clowns and the 6-line would be fine, and you might be able to add 1 or 2 clown gobies in that setup. Good fishkeeping ;)


Wow thanks for all of the info.
Can anyone recomend a few stars, everyone is always talking about loosing stuff to stars. Which ones are hearty and won't eat everything else in the tank.
What types of shrimp are compatible? Can I put a Peppermint Shrimp with a Cleaner Shrimp?
Thanks again.


Active Member
For starfish a chocolate chip star is probably one of the most hardiest star, but they have been known to eat corals and other starfish, I never had any trouble with mine though I have had him for 5 months now and he hasn't bothered anything. And yes you can put a cleaner shrimp with a peppermint, I have these together and they get along great.


Wow, I have a 24 gallon too! I have a clownfish, a sixline wrasse, a coral banded shrimp, a choclate chip star,17 lbs of LR and some snails and hermits. I highly recommend them...
(my tank is 2 months old)
Clownfish- When all the other fish were sick, he was still happy and healthy. This is the best fish ever!
Six Line Wrasse- I would get this one after the clownfish. They have great attidude and color.
Coral Banded Shrimp- He is a major scavenger, always eating dropped food. Pretty cool looking too.
Choclate Chip star- Really neat and super hardy but still ate my Featherduster- i still dont know if the Duster was dead or not. I would recommend them if you dont have any corals, etc.
Hermits- I would recommend getting small ones, I had big ones and they started getting destructive.
Smails- Hardy and good algea cleaners.
I really wanted an Angel too, and I got one when my tank was young. It got ick... and so did my whole also died... it was very expensive and stressful. Please wait 6 months (unlike me)! If you got an angel I would go with a Pygmy. They stay small.
Well, I hope I helped.
Good luck!