Starter reptile for my son


Active Member
My son wants some kinda reptile. My wife says H23l no. But i say uh, cool. So I imagine i can get away with it if it's not too creepy and something he can manage on his own. Not something too boring or commen but something that he can handle from time to time, that doesnt require alot of care. I had a 38in green iguana for about 5 years when I was younger so I know how to manage one. It used to be that the small iguanas were difficult, but I dont remember why. I'd like for him to have one of these though cause it'l live like 20 years and get huge but still be handlable. Has there been in progress in these is that a good one for a starter if I give him the right stuff? what else would you recommend?


I dont know if you are thinking about a snake. But a ball python would be an excellent first reptile, and first snake. Only get about 4 foot long, and are not aggressive, AT ALL.

30-xtra high

Active Member
a ball wouldn't be good.. i only say this cause i'm guessing your son is young?.. well what 3-4 foot tall kid wants to hold a 4 foot snake that he can hardly hold?..
if you're lookin snakes i'd say a corn snake.. i have 2, one i've had for a lil over 2 years, and he's just short of 5 feet, but very think, about as thick as a quarter.. corns are great starters, and very active.
if you're lookin towards lizards i'd say a leopard gecko, only get about 8 inches, i doubt anybody has ever been bitten by one.. active, but not to fast to the point where you can't hold one..
if he wants a turle get a red ear slider.. good size, active..
tortoise get a russian, a more active tortoise.., easy to care for..
an iguana might not be a good choice, because sometimes they are so fast you can't hold them.. and their claws would probably cut him if you don't keep his nails clipped(the iguana's nails)).. and they get over 4 feet long.
my vote goes for the leopard gecko


Active Member
I never reccomend amphibians for children because kids dont wash their hands enough before or after, handling can kill an amph, if the hands are dirty. the easiest, hands down, begginer reptile is the crested gecko. doesnt need bugs just powdered goo, no special heat or uvb requirments, 10g tank is plenty and they are extremly handleable. and even your wife will think they are cute with their little eyelashes.
google "pangeareptile" they have one of the best care sheets for cresteds I have found.


This one's easy....get him a Bearded Dragon.....I have one in my office and she's a sweetheart. They have a great disposition, personality, and they like to be held.
Here is a pic:


African Fat Tail Geckos are very interesting and easy to keep, also Pacman Frogs are a very easy one to keep aswell.
- Dan


ive had so many reptiles that its not even funny. ive kept anoles, leopard geckos, turtles, an iguana, a veiled chameleon, collard lizard.....and a bearded dragon for a short time.
if ur looking for something small that doesnt mind SOME handling, then go for the leopard gecko.
bearded drangons are really cool and seem to like being held and "played with".


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I never reccomend amphibians for children because kids dont wash their hands enough before or after, handling can kill an amph, if the hands are dirty. the easiest, hands down, begginer reptile is the crested gecko. doesnt need bugs just powdered goo, no special heat or uvb requirments, 10g tank is plenty and they are extremly handleable. and even your wife will think they are cute with their little eyelashes.
google "pangeareptile" they have one of the best care sheets for cresteds I have found.
Hey thanks guys/gals. I think we'll do the crested gecko! My wife might even like it!
It is pretty cool. Is that one you'rs reefkprz?


I know Poison Dart Frogs *Captive Bred* They stay small,unpoisonus,no poo to clean,easy eaters,easily held,not TOO expensive,hardy,COLORFUL!,Can keep alot in a cage only about the size of a 10 gallon aquarium!So many different species to choose from,The washing hands thing isn't a concern with them,and best of all the neighborhood and your mom would LOVE the little colorful cuties

They get up to only up to 3 inches MAX
Average Price:25$


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Hey thanks guys/gals. I think we'll do the crested gecko! My wife might even like it!
It is pretty cool. Is that one you'rs reefkprz?

no but i want a breeding pair I'm looking for them at the upcoming reptile expo.
bearded dragons are nice but they have larger tank requirments, special uvb lighting and can get testy when mating season comes round though over all they are very friendly and handleable and do not carry salmonella like a lot of reptiles do. but the most inexpensive to set up and maintain overall would be the crested gecko. and some of the color morphs available for them are spectacular.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
I know Poison Dart Frogs *Captive Bred* They stay small,unpoisonus,no poo to clean,easy eaters,easily held,not TOO expensive,hardy,COLORFUL!,Can keep alot in a cage only about the size of a 10 gallon aquarium!So many different species to choose from,The washing hands thing isn't a concern with them,and best of all the neighborhood and your mom would LOVE the little colorful cuties

They get up to only up to 3 inches MAX
Average Price:25$

you should wash your hands before handleing any amphibian they drink through their skin, its veryesay to poison them if you have soap or any chemical at all on your hand I think saying not to wash hands is very poor advice.


yep get the crested i just got one last weekend on reefkprz recommondation and it is so suite. i have a juvi male and once i get the hold of the whole reptile deal i am going to get a few females and i will prolly try ordering them online although my ***** has very nice harleys right now and they are actually knowledgeable about them. check out your local ***** and see what it is like there but as you should know most arent very knowledgeable about other things such as fish.