

i hear that damsels are the best starters, but i have also heard that they can get territorial if alone for a while in the tank(during the start period). can someone please help me by letting me know what fish i can start with?! I am trying to get a tank with peaceful non aggressive/territorial fish....which ones will help me start to achieve this. oh tank is 75 gal., and im not going to have a mini reef, just fish........TY


the best starters would be chromis's. they are still damsels but less aggressive. some people will tell you to use pieces of shrimp or something and let it rott, but as long as you use live sand along with the damsels you will be ok. live sand is the best way to go.


sounds good my man. thanks for the tip. how much is live sand in relation to normal sand though??? i am not exactly on an unlimited budget if you know what i mean. Also does live sand ever bring any bad parasites and bacteria into your tank....or is it relatively safe?


live sand is usually about 2-3 bucks a pound. ur best bet is to order it off line. u'll get it cheaper there. it won't bring bad parasites into your tank but it will bring good bacteria and good little crustaceans that will sometimes get stuck in your filter. they kindof look like tiny shrimps. they are harmless though.