Originally Posted by Fatmatt
Well i was going to set up a 55-75gal fish only tank but it seems its best to start small, also found out about this bio cube tanks? Says it comes with everything and you just plug it in, so was wondering if anyone as one and if its any good. If so whats the name of yours, i was lookin at the ones on big als...whats a good size to start off with? Can i use tap water? When do i need to mix the salt. Do i need to buy anything else with the tank other then fish,sand, rocks. Is the lightin good that comes with these tanks?
I have the 14g Bio-cube and I love it, but since you wanted to go with a little larger tank I would go with the 29 gallon bio-cube. If your going to mix your own saltwater, be sure to get reverse osmosis water. I found it a lot easier for a nano to buy the salt water pre-made from your local fish store. Be sure to buy test kits, heater, thermometer, and a hydrometer (or a Refractometer if you can afford it). The lights are good enough for most corals, but you wont be able to get any anemones, SPS, or clams. If you would like to get either of these I would go with the 24 aqua pod with the metal halides.