Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
How much did you get it for and is it purple? It looks brown in the pictures.
you should have seen it when i first saw it was in his tank! it was a lot tan/browner its coloring up but yes its purple.
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Cleaning all those filters on the turtle tank must suck... I just run a good, single canister when I do turtles. Had a Rena XP1 lol on a 75gallon tank with a new guinea snakeneck, while on paper this filter seems crappy at best.. it did a good job. I did 50% weekly water changes and cleaned the filter every month. The spray bar kept current high and detritus from settling. I fed the turtle live food as that's all it would eat so it was packed with mollies, rosy reds, and fiddler crabs lol.
yes i change the media every 25th of the month i do a 50% water change when i change the media. i have a few guppies and glass shrimp but the turtles are still small cant catch them lol its a 30 gal long. once they get a little bigger ill add in more fish for them but for now its pellets and some live plants like water Hyacinth.
i posted a question in the equipment forum but no answer
so ill try and ask here
should i turn my AC20 into a HOB fuge? take out the media and add LS, LR rubble and Cheato? is this a good idea? or should i just forget it?
im about to purchase a 20gal acrylic hex from a local guy for $20.00 with stand lights, heater and filter but its first come first serve
i dont know if i can get it first but if i were able to how would i buff out the acrylic? and should i use this tank for my reef or move my fw into this tank?
How much did you get it for and is it purple? It looks brown in the pictures.
you should have seen it when i first saw it was in his tank! it was a lot tan/browner its coloring up but yes its purple.

Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Cleaning all those filters on the turtle tank must suck... I just run a good, single canister when I do turtles. Had a Rena XP1 lol on a 75gallon tank with a new guinea snakeneck, while on paper this filter seems crappy at best.. it did a good job. I did 50% weekly water changes and cleaned the filter every month. The spray bar kept current high and detritus from settling. I fed the turtle live food as that's all it would eat so it was packed with mollies, rosy reds, and fiddler crabs lol.
yes i change the media every 25th of the month i do a 50% water change when i change the media. i have a few guppies and glass shrimp but the turtles are still small cant catch them lol its a 30 gal long. once they get a little bigger ill add in more fish for them but for now its pellets and some live plants like water Hyacinth.
i posted a question in the equipment forum but no answer

im about to purchase a 20gal acrylic hex from a local guy for $20.00 with stand lights, heater and filter but its first come first serve