Starting a 10 gallon reef


ok so my YCG is now where to be found
looked all over?? could my shrimps and hermits have devoured him??

- parameters are at tip top shape A+ all around
- i didnt notice but 2 coral frags fell off the LR and whited out because of no light contact
so i lost my fruit acros and my blue acros

- just did a 5 gallon water change
- i also did some aquascaping when trying to find the YCB "flip"
nothing else new at the moment
i noticed you have the aquaclear filter and bought some chaeto and the other filter media. Do you have two filters? Mind explaining your filtration set up : )


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
i noticed you have the aquaclear filter and bought some chaeto and the other filter media. Do you have two filters? Mind explaining your filtration set up : )
no problem
first off i took off the CPR bak pak skimmer i think i dont need it so decided to sell it off.
i run 2 cascade 150 HOB filters one on the left of the tank and one on the right side.
in the cascades i use activated carbon, purigen, and filter floss i change filter media every 2 to 3 weeks
i also run the aqua clear 20 in the middle with a little LS and LR rubble and the cheato i bought from fcatch the lights i have hits the cheato works nice so i didnt have to buy any clip on light.
any more questions just ask


flip is dead
or at least M.I.A. for 3 days now?? maybe the hermits and shrimps ate him up after because i never found a body

so as of right now its only "Cheddar" the false percula clown and the CUC
i might pick up another goby maybe a black clown goby and a yellow one again both for $10 but ill wait a little.
also i one of my monti frags fell off the LR and browned out and white edges now

ill try and post pics in a couple days!!
also picked up a sweet deal on a 14 gallon biocube


Active Member
doh! there are always ups and downs it seems with having a tank. Its always unfortunate to lose livestock. Hang in there, i'm sure you will find a nice replacement fish.


flip is no more R.I.P.

i added a duncan in the tank and which the false percula with the true percula.
the true percula is housing the duncan for now??
ill try and post pictures tomorrow.


Active Member
no man! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was to young to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved flip

and congrats with the new duncan! but its not the same without flip!


thanks for caring nissan

yeah im going to pick up another clown goby today maybe a green one

ill post pics when i get home probably around 7:30'ish
page 10 !!!!!


Active Member
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another one! call him flip the second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thought of that name all by myself!


Originally Posted by nissan577
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another one! call him flip the second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thought of that name all by myself!
i think i will name it flip the 2nd lol
Originally Posted by Whisk
sweet! can't wait to see your new additions. Are you gonna call him Flip #2?


Originally Posted by patrick8929

very nice man cant wait to see the pics of the new addition!