Starting a 10g what should I get?

lil' tanker

hey guys I am starting a 10g I am very new to sw so could you help me. Give me a stock list and a list of everything I need.


I just started a 10 gallon. From my experience, You could use a lot of LR and LS.. It will really help filter out that small amount of water.. but you will need at least these items!! these are neccesitys:
Hydrometer (measures salinity, get a refractometer $$$$ if you can)
Testing kit for PH/ALK/Nitrites/Nitrates/Ammonia
water (lots of choices, RO/DI is common)
Heater (50watt should do)
power head for water circulation
lighting (what kind depends on what kind of tank you'll have..)
filter (simple small hang on back will work)
you will also basically need an extra bucket with a spare powerhead and heater to mix future water with..
oh and lots of towels!! and some patience!! we all definitly need some of that


For a new 10g i would buy any live stock that is cheap... the smaller the tank the less stable it will be, not to say a 10g isnt perfect for someone new to the hobby. I would look at a damsel or two just because they are cheap and hardy, if you have a little extra money you could go for a clown (also hardy). Defiantly live rock, if you want to throw in an emerald crab, you could. It is all preference tho. Look for how hardy it is, how cheap it is, and then lastly, how cool looking it is. Eventually once the tank is more stable you can put more money into it and get things that are hard to keep.

lil' tanker

Thanks Bexleyfish. That sounds good what about if I got 2 percula clownfish and then maybe the nano pack on reef packages?


LR- Live Rock... rocks with certain algaes on them
LS- Live Sand... sang with good bacteria in it
LFS- Local Fish Store... you'll here this one a lot, they are usually helpful
One word of advise, dont be discouraged if things die... it will happen BE veryyyyy patient, it is all extremely worth it in the end


The nano pack is kinda expensive IMO. You really wont need all that just buy like 1 or 2 snails, and1 or 2 crabs but ya you could go with the percs just be prepared if they dont make it... it could happen

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by BexleyFish
The nano pack is kinda expensive IMO. You really wont need all that just buy like 1 or 2 snails, and1 or 2 crabs but ya you could go with the percs just be prepared if they dont make it... it could happen
thanks you've been a big help


Ummm... The lighting at this point isnt a big deal if you dont have any inverts or coral. filtering, Penguin makes a good filter and isnt too expensive. It hangs on the back and does a 3 part filter. look at the GPH (gallons per hour) with 10 gallons you would look for a least 50 GPH. Penguin has a 100 that is the smallest that they make. One thing to remember when doing water changes, is to keep the new wate as close to the salinity and temp as the tank water. This puts less stress on the inhabitants.


Active Member
Ok well I'm going to hook him up with a filter/skimmer that I suggest making into a refegium which is good for tanks and then I agree with the penguin 100. I have 3 penguins (2 on my 125g, 1 on my 20g) and I realy like it.
As far as cleaning crew, I'd get 10 astrea and no crabs of hermits. My crab picks at my corals and snails, unless there are extra shells avaible, will eat the snails out of there home.
Lights, I love my Nova Extreme T-5's. They are strong, so you can keep most corals, and they bring out the colors realy well.
And PATIENCE is the key to sw.


Active Member
Really? They are pretty cheap, and he does want a reef, so that would bring more options. I got some cheapo lights that came with my 20g, should he use those to cycle it?


Active Member
pc's...the 50/50 lighting works fine for small tanks as well. i've had an LTA and a sebae anenome under them.
dont go nuts and buy alot of live stock at once either. one fish at a time or youll have bio overload


Active Member
These lights are only like 17watts. I think he'll need an upgrade, just wondering if he should use them for cycling. I loev my T-5's. I highly recommend them. And they are cheaper than pc's.