Starting a 12g Nano Cube


I'll be starting a 12g JBJ nano and I have few question for you guys. All of your comments are very appriciated.
1 week used jbj 12g nano cube(6 months old) for $70.00 - is this a good deal?
I will transfer some sand, some live rock, and water from my 90 gallon - So I don't have to cycle the tank, right?
Can I put in a clownfish in there right away, or should I wait? I have him in my FOWLR 90g right now.
I want to make it mainly an invert tank. This is what I want to have in there:
-Yellow Watchman Gobby
-2 cleaner shrimps (I'll move them from my 90g)
-1 coral banded shrimp (he is also in my 90g now, and I am afraid that he will kill some of my inverts when I move him to a smaller tank)
-1 boxing crab
-various hermit crabs, and snails
-2 Harlequin Shrimps ( I know about them eating stars, and I am prepared for it)
-3 Sexy shrimps
-1 Pistol Shrimp
What do you think?


Active Member
i would replace the yellow watchman for a firefish, i have a yellow watchman and i see him maybe 2 or 3 times a week.
I also have a pistol shrimp and i have to tell you i think he is more trouble then he is worth, everyday he is covering another coral in sand. Let that sit that way to long and that coral dies.
if you do go with the pistol shrimp watchman combo make sure you dont have any corals near the sand or they may get buried.


Active Member
All gobies are not created equal

I say get it, they are pretty cool. I know the few at my LFS always sit up top (on a rock or coral) and watch everything that is happening. [very neat to watch].
Some swim all the time.
And some just help guard a 'hole' with its partnered pistol shrimp.
IMO get one, if you don't like him after awhile, trade him back in?


Active Member
well mine just guards the hole lol. and any movement in the room amkes him dart back in the hole.


i have a pistol ,watchman combo and 2 pink sunks that host a ritteri anenome and there all doing great wish i could add more fish but thats what bigger tanks are for



Originally Posted by autotech
i have a pistol ,watchman combo and 2 pink sunks that host a ritteri anenome and there all doing great wish i could add more fish but thats what bigger tanks are for
What size of tank is this?

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by Member007
-2 cleaner shrimps (I'll move them from my 90g)
-1 coral banded shrimp (he is also in my 90g now, and I am afraid that he will kill some of my inverts when I move him to a smaller tank)
-1 boxing crab
-various hermit crabs, and snails
-2 Harlequin Shrimps ( I know about them eating stars, and I am prepared for it)
-3 Sexy shrimps
-1 Pistol Shrimp
What do you think?
1. i would choose either the two cleaners or the cbs, in this small of a tank they would fight.
2. the boxing crabs sound ok
3. the sexy shrimp would be a light snack for a cbs in a very short time.
4. the pistol shrimp arent worth it as stated above.
5. i would get the ywg, i love mine.


Originally Posted by ric maniac
1. i would choose either the two cleaners or the cbs, in this small of a tank they would fight.
2. the boxing crabs sound ok
3. the sexy shrimp would be a light snack for a cbs in a very short time.
4. the pistol shrimp arent worth it as stated above.
5. i would get the ywg, i love mine.
Thanks! I won't put my cbs in there, because I want to have a lot of things in there, and nothing aggresive.


I really need some help:
Ok so I got a used(like new) JBJ 12g nano(original, not dx), and have few problems/questions.
1. What should I change/do with filtration? This is what I have in there now:
From the left:
Chamber 1 - 2 sponges
Chamber 2 - ceremic Rings and a bag of carbon
Chamber 3 - 5 bioballs and 1 sponge on top of them
Chamber 4 - pump
2. It came without the 2 fans, do I really need them if the temperature is fine?
3. When I turn off day light the moon light doesn't light up? However when I have a daylight on the 2 lighs are on. Did someone do the wireing wrong?
4. Water nozze is missing, should I get it? Or can I leave it the way it is?


mines a 12 gal. aquapod other than the pistol shimp clicking its claw at nite and waking my son up have not had any problems just set your rockwork up with some good areas for caves and whatnot my sons tanks but up for about 7 months

reef diver

Active Member
Theres only 3 chambers man. Lol, but in anycase, Remove the sponges in chamber 1, exchange for filterfloss. Get rod of carbon and ceramic, make a fuge in chamber 2 by peeling off the vinyl in back, and scraping the sticky goo off w/ a razor, add some LR rubble, chaeto and a small light on th back and bingo a fuge