starting a 2.5?


New Member
Hey everyone! I'm starting a 2.5 gallon nano tank. I was wondering what i need to get started, how long it has to cycle, or if it has to cycle at all! The tank is plastic and has a small stand and a top with a light. I'm going to be putting some LR and LS in there, i was thinking of mushrooms 2, any other suggestions? will a turbo snail and maybe a shrimp be good? What r your suggestions? Thanx!:)


I put both LR and LS in my 15g, It was cycled in less than 2 weeks. Just because it is a nano I added 1 damsel after 2 weeks and continued to let it run for an additional 2 weeks. I was in no hurry to populate the tank. :D I currenty have 1 Maroon Clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 cleaner shrimp, a small rose anemone, a couple of ricordia shrooms, a harry mushroom, and a couple of small zoo colonys, with the occasional green polyp, and a finger leather I accidently learned how to frag.. :rolleyes:
I am having a hard time figuring out which tank I like best... But I do like thinking about what to add,
I'm no expert but if you stick to some zoos, and mushrooms to start I think you can't go wrong...


New Member
Thanx DPDIVER, but should i put a damsel in after two weeks or is the tank 2 small? Am I going to need a heater and a filter? I'm guessing i probubly will.


I am not using a heater on mine, But I am living in S. FL. I would probably cycle with just the LR and LS. if you want add a store bought shrimp to kick in the cycle. I only added the damsel because it took a while for me to catch him in my 46 and I was giving it to a friend of mine. But if you want a damsel in your 2.5 add it after the tank has cycled.
Like I said I'm no expert but I have learned alot from the fine folks here in the board.


New Member
What about lighting, i know absolutly nothing about it. I have a clue for everything else, but i need to no about lighting. I'm guessing the stock light is not going to do the trick. Also, when its cycling can i put live rock in? Thanx.


That small light from the hardware store, does it have a high enough kelvin rating for corals or would it cause a lot of algae growth (i.e. above 6500K)? If so I may have to get some.


I have a 13w pc over my girlfriends Nano. It works quite well. I think there is a website online that will sell you a 13w 10k/03 actinic bulb in 13w. This is what im gonna add to our nano in the future. The light is nice and bright. We have several mushrooms and a small colony of green star polyps.
The links below show all the pics on my site. The 2nd url goes right to a full pic of the nano including the light. We have several hermit crabs and nassarius snails in there. No fish however.