Starting a 29 gallon reef tank


I just started a reef tank have been out of the hobby for a while. hope to get some advice on what to do going forward.


Active Member

I just started a reef tank have been out of the hobby for a while. hope to get some advice on what to do going forward.
Welcome to the site.
First what do you currently have, lights, lr, sand, ect.
Also as you probably know if this isn't your first tank, do not BE like your handle, take it slow n easy!


i have a aquaclear 70 filter, about 2"of live sand a coralife aqualight high output T5 dual lamp fixture and a 100w heater and i think about 25 lbs of live rock

mr. limpid

Active Member
Did you add a raw shrimp to get cycle going? What are you using to measure salt, I suggest refractor meter. Also may want to add 1 power head for more circulation. Welcome back.
PS looks nice a clean for now, lol, nothing like a brand new tank,smell.


I haven't put anything in it yet, ran out of money. I thought with the sand and live rock it would start the cycle but if i need to put something in it i will.


Active Member
For the most part it will start it with the sand and lr, becaue of small die of from it. Do you have any old fish food? That would kick start ya.
Tank looks great.


thank you, it is only on the 3rd day yes we have a 55 fresh water i could use a little of there food. i bought the coralife light used and it has the moon lights on it but it didn't come with the converter for the power it also the old style light anyone know where i can get the converter or what kind i can get to replace it.


Active Member
If the "brown algae", brown or rusty brown colored and is like dust on the rock and sand, it is most likely diatoms, normal for new setups. It will come and go. You can siphon it off if the appearance gets to you. As for photoperiod, it isn't really important while cycling unless there are a lot of critters on your LR.
I haven't read where you have test kits. If you don't have one, this should be of highest priority. During the establishment of your nitrogen cycle you should test regularly, like every day, to see what the status is and know certain when the cycle has fully established. If you have not read this already, here are great resources:
As stated earlier, you really need some circulation in there. I would also strongly consider some kind of background on that back glass. Painting it now would not be too much of a hassle.
What size tank is that?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reckles http:///forum/thread/386194/starting-a-29-gallon-reef-tank#post_3392921
whats a good test kit to get
Welcome to the site!
Well I wouldn't recommend API (my old brand)...I was told Seachem are good kits. I always buy the multi kits or master kits, it's much cheaper that way then all the the tests individually. The test results are what tell us what's going on in the tank, they are very important.
I just looked at your new tank all set up. looks like it's coming along nice. I do have a question...Did you put your rock in first, and then the sand around it? I ask because the picture looks like you did. If you put your rocks on the sand...redo it. The sand shifts, the rock slides killing your critters and may break the tank. If you need to, just move the sand to one side redo the rock and then push the sand back around the rock.


Thank you, I did put the rock down then added sand. i was planing on getting a master kit but wasn't sure what one to get thank you.


Well-Known Member
I like soild black or blue backgrounds. I was reccomended Elos tests!
Good luck man and dont be fraid to ask any questions


Well-Known Member
Elos tests are all separate, no master kits and they are very expensive.
I like the foam rock backgrounds. I think the styrofoam and concrete ones look pretty awesome too. If I ever re-do my 90g, I'm going that route. I already have the rock wall on the 30g seahorse tank.