Active Member
30 gallon long ProjectI am planning on selling my 55 and 20 gallon reefs so i can make a 30 gallon long. I'm doing this because i will be moving a lot within the next couple of years and a 30 gallon would be a lot easier to move and maintain than a 55.The only piece of equipment I'm keeping is my Reef Keeper 2 System,so I'm pretty much starting from scratch.Dimensions of the new tank: 36 x 12 x 17
I plan on keeping everything from Softies-SPS
Here are my questions
What do you think i should do for lighting? (MH or T5ho)
I am thinking about a 36" 4x39W Tek Light T5 High-Output Fixture w/ Bulbs
What return pump should i use?
I am wanting to do a 10 gallon sump/refugium (would that fit under a 30g ok?)
What should i use for lightning in the refugium?
What Protein Skimmer do yal recommend?
around 150$
What Heater(s) should I get? (wattage/brand)
No clue on this one
Do i need a calcium reactor/phosban reactor/UV sterilizer or anything like that for a 30?
If so, what should i get
What types of Powerheads (Koralias) should i get?
2 2's? I am not sure, im using 2 3's on my 55 (its almost too much flow)
What auto top-off system should i get?
How much Liverock/Livesand should i add?
I have some pieces I'm going to add from my 55
I'm still debating on a rimless tank w/ hanging lights or tank/canopy
Thanks for any responses or suggestions
I plan on keeping everything from Softies-SPS
Here are my questions
What do you think i should do for lighting? (MH or T5ho)
I am thinking about a 36" 4x39W Tek Light T5 High-Output Fixture w/ Bulbs
What return pump should i use?
I am wanting to do a 10 gallon sump/refugium (would that fit under a 30g ok?)
What should i use for lightning in the refugium?
What Protein Skimmer do yal recommend?
around 150$
What Heater(s) should I get? (wattage/brand)
No clue on this one
Do i need a calcium reactor/phosban reactor/UV sterilizer or anything like that for a 30?
If so, what should i get
What types of Powerheads (Koralias) should i get?
2 2's? I am not sure, im using 2 3's on my 55 (its almost too much flow)
What auto top-off system should i get?
How much Liverock/Livesand should i add?
I have some pieces I'm going to add from my 55
I'm still debating on a rimless tank w/ hanging lights or tank/canopy
Thanks for any responses or suggestions