Starting a 30 gallon long, lots of questions


Active Member
30 gallon long ProjectI am planning on selling my 55 and 20 gallon reefs so i can make a 30 gallon long. I'm doing this because i will be moving a lot within the next couple of years and a 30 gallon would be a lot easier to move and maintain than a 55.The only piece of equipment I'm keeping is my Reef Keeper 2 System,so I'm pretty much starting from scratch.Dimensions of the new tank: 36 x 12 x 17
I plan on keeping everything from Softies-SPS
Here are my questions
What do you think i should do for lighting? (MH or T5ho)

I am thinking about a 36" 4x39W Tek Light T5 High-Output Fixture w/ Bulbs
What return pump should i use?

I am wanting to do a 10 gallon sump/refugium (would that fit under a 30g ok?)
What should i use for lightning in the refugium?

What Protein Skimmer do yal recommend?

around 150$
What Heater(s) should I get? (wattage/brand)

No clue on this one
Do i need a calcium reactor/phosban reactor/UV sterilizer or anything like that for a 30?

If so, what should i get
What types of Powerheads (Koralias) should i get?

2 2's? I am not sure, im using 2 3's on my 55 (its almost too much flow)
What auto top-off system should i get?

How much Liverock/Livesand should i add?

I have some pieces I'm going to add from my 55
I'm still debating on a rimless tank w/ hanging lights or tank/canopy

Thanks for any responses or suggestions
Ill give my feedback but you go with what you like.
Powerhead/s- i would get a vortech mp10- are rated for tanks up to 50 gallons- you can get the mp20 but would have to set it all the way down so I would get the mp10- cheaper and you can use the max or close to the max settings so when you do any of the varying reef crest or lagoon modes you can set it up more and have more variance in flows- plus the wet side is 1/2 the size of the mp20 so will take up less space in the tank.
Skimmer for 150? I would not suggest any of the skimmers that are on the market for 150- I would save until you can spend 3-400 on a GOOD skimmer- for 150 your gonna get something you may not be happy with and then have to upgrade- which will cost you way more in the longrun than if you would have just spent 300 on a quality skimmer.
Live Rock/sand---- I would if you go with Fiji rock- 1 pound per gallon- if going with a more dense rock like carribean rock I would say closer to 2 pounds per gallon- I like fiji much better- a lot more crevices for the beneficial bacteria to live in. Sand I would do a 2-3 inch sandbed, so how ever may bags that is am not sure-- just buy more than youll need by a descent amount and return the unused bags after your done- at least this way you know you wont run out due to bad math<- am horrible at math.
Phos ban Reactor- I would say definately- keep your phosphates absent means algae will be a lot les present if at all after the initial diatom and green algae breakouts. I would actually suggest running 2 reactors like I do 1 with phos ban 1 with carbon.
Calcium Reactor- I would say definately not even when you get enough LPS and SPS in there is a small enough tank you can dose your calcium all you need with a good 2 part. Dont think youll be able to fit enough hard corals in a 30 to NEED a reactor in my opinion- can do all you need to with a little time spent each day.
Refugium light- I use a coralife deluxe series 36 watt- 2 18 watt 50/50 bulbs my fuge is the center chamber of my 29G sump and is 13"x12" and it does just fine.
The lighting is going to be up to your preference on what you like the blue look or more white than blue. If your going to be moving around I would say go with the easiest to transport without damaging.
UV sterilizer-- everyone has a different opinion- some say not for a reef because it kills beneficial pods and such BUT if you have a disease breakout its a great thing to have. Will kill waterborne ich parasites as well as others so even if you dont run it usually is a great tool to have in times of sickness of fish.- I have the TurboTwist 9 Watt- on my 65 If you go with the TurboTwist line 9W is what youd want- their smallest one.
Hope this helped and good luck............Jimmy