starting a 30 gallon..



hi, i am fairly new to saltwater. i have read some excellent books however i have a few questions/qualms. I have the following: tank, salt, hydrometer, heater, light*, hood, magnum HOT filter and food. now for what i need: a protein skimmer, powerhead, and better lights (100 watts plus). * the reason why i say i have a light is that i have a crummy light that is only about 20 watts. i need a powerhead and i plan on getting a one rated for about a 50 gallon tank. the real problem i am having is deciding on what skimmer i need. my wish list for fish is 2 clowns a blenny or goby and then maybe a 2-3 inch other fish. i am ordering 30lbs of live sand and i plan to use live rock to create an atoll aqua-scape. i might in the future want to try coral but i am not sure. so my question is what light fixture doesn't buzz and can fit my 30 inch long tank. my other question is a reliable skimmer that's not overkill but wont die on me in 1 year. I am all ears and very very willing to learn. thank you for ready this post and give me your suggestions.


Active Member

Originally Posted by jcmotifs
hi, i am fairly new to saltwater. i have read some excellent books however i have a few questions/qualms. I have the following: tank, salt, hydrometer, heater, light*, hood, magnum HOT filter and food. now for what i need: a protein skimmer, powerhead, and better lights (100 watts plus). * the reason why i say i have a light is that i have a crummy light that is only about 20 watts. i need a powerhead and i plan on getting a one rated for about a 50 gallon tank. the real problem i am having is deciding on what skimmer i need. my wish list for fish is 2 clowns a blenny or goby and then maybe a 2-3 inch other fish. i am ordering 30lbs of live sand and i plan to use live rock to create an atoll aqua-scape. i might in the future want to try coral but i am not sure. so my question is what light fixture doesn't
buzz and can fit my 30 inch long tank. my other question is a reliable skimmer that's not overkill but wont die on me in 1 year. I am all ears and very very willing to learn. thank you for ready this post and give me your suggestions.
Welcome to the boards
Everyone wants to know what fish they can add but don't get ahead of yourself. You need to be patient. LR & LS are your first two things that you need to add. For a 30 gal. tank you would need between 30 and 45 lbs. of LR. Your LS order seems right on
What is the gph of your filter? You always want to have good flow (depending on what you want: fish only, fish only with LR and a reef setup). Each one requires a different amount of water flow and lighting. I have an aqua c remora protein skimmer (with a maxi-jet 1200), 2 maxi jet 900 powerheads and an emperor 400 HOB filter on my 29 gal. That's 1155 gph water flow (almost 40 times flow). It is better to prepare for the future now as you don't want to be discarding inefficient equipment down the road. I would get rid of the hydrometer (use it as a door stop) and buy a refractometer. They are much more accurate. You can get one for under $50.00. Also buy yourself an RODI water filter. Tap water is crap. Two smaller heaters are better than one bigger one. Also two powerheads facing in opposite directions (to get good flow and have no dead spots around your LR) is the way to go. For coral lighting you may want to get 3 to 5 watts per gal (in your case 90-150 watts total). You can get compact flourescent (CF), T5's or MH (metal Halide). The first two choices should be sufficient for your 30. Ask questions here. If you go into your local fish store (LFS) you will max out your credit cards. My .02.


i too just started a 30 gal reef. i did t5ho's i got 2 korallia #1's and my HOB filter, and my skimmer. my GPH is like close to 1000gph. thats a 33-34x turnover. look into something along that line. i also have 20lbs lr and about 70-80lbs LR. especially if you are going to be doing a reef. just ask questions and when you think you are asking too many ask more. thats the way you learn..
welcome to the addiction


well, in response to the gph my filter will put out 250 gph its a magnum HOT with a biowhell. now, since i splitting it with my dad and i have accumlated a good chunk of change from saving up i have spent already 25$ for the LS on ----, spent about 70$ on my filter and i have been eyeing a 130w CP w bulbs one atinic and one daylight for about 60-75$. i plan on getting a powerhead on ---- to for about 25-30$. now for my minor skepticism, i went to learn how to scuba dive over spring break. i went to key largo and i have to admit the flow of the water was almost zero, maybe it was me but the barracudas just hovered and there was a current but very light. And the deeper you go the less current. I am most likely wrong but i cant see something like a clownfish being pummeled by cyclone like waves. so i plan on geting a small powerhead i.e. one for a ten gallon tank and then one for a 30 gallon and put them on opposite sides. for my skimmer i am willing to shell out about 100-150$ but it has gotta be good. OH by the way i have got a home filter that has given me zero levels of anything that i test so RO/DI is a waste for me