Why not go with a 40 gallon "regular" tank. I ask this because a 40 regular allows more srface area the a hexagon, but it's your decision. However,if you still choose a 40 hex,here's what I'd go with:
Filteration: Sump w/ refugium. You can build them yourself.Save's money...
Lighting:It's expensive.....With a 40 hex. I'd go with a 175 mh,since the hex won't alow long hoods, or you could go with a retrofit hood,which is alot of light,but a smaller lenght...
Lr: in a 40 hex. I'd say around 40-60 lbs lr..
Ls: about a 4-5" dsb,unless you want a jawfish,or fish that burtrows,which will disturb your sand bed....
Taht's really all you need,plus,I'd recommend some good books,research,patience,and wait at least 3 wks. to 1 mth to add a fish,around 1.5-2 for your first coral and choose a hardy one...
I'd advise you against cycling your tank with damsels',as they are agressive and become hellions,plus the quick and hard to take out,espically with all that lr.....
Feel free to ask any more questions.....