Starting a 40 Gallon Hexagon

salty jeff

I'm looking at setting up a new 40 gallon hexagon saltwater tank. I had a saltwater tank about 10 years ago and after reading some of your board I see that the technology has really come along way. I really need to know which filter system you would use, ect. I plan on setting up a reef type of tank with a few fish. Any info would really be appreciated.
Thanks, Jeff


Why not go with a 40 gallon "regular" tank. I ask this because a 40 regular allows more srface area the a hexagon, but it's your decision. However,if you still choose a 40 hex,here's what I'd go with:
Filteration: Sump w/ refugium. You can build them yourself.Save's money...
Lighting:It's expensive.....With a 40 hex. I'd go with a 175 mh,since the hex won't alow long hoods, or you could go with a retrofit hood,which is alot of light,but a smaller lenght...
Lr: in a 40 hex. I'd say around 40-60 lbs lr..
Ls: about a 4-5" dsb,unless you want a jawfish,or fish that burtrows,which will disturb your sand bed....
Taht's really all you need,plus,I'd recommend some good books,research,patience,and wait at least 3 wks. to 1 mth to add a fish,around 1.5-2 for your first coral and choose a hardy one...
I'd advise you against cycling your tank with damsels',as they are agressive and become hellions,plus the quick and hard to take out,espically with all that lr.....
Feel free to ask any more questions.....:)


Active Member
40 g hex set up. There are many ways to set up this tank. Most people don't like doing reefs in a hex tank because its hard to get good water flow. You will want a 4-6 inch DSB. 40 to 50 lbs of lr. You will need some good circulation in your tank. Depending on what filter you use you will need 2 to 3 power heads. A good hang on skimmer will help water movement also. I would use a 250w mh bulb. Reason being a hex is taller than a regulsr tank. I would suggest a 10k or a 12k. That will probally be all the lighting you will be able to fit under your canopy. You could make a little wet dry filter or set up a small refuge.
Hey i am just starting but my opinoin on this tank would be... filt: eheim 2213 or higher lr: same 40 -50 pounds ls: same everything else about the same but i would go retro fit or stick with a mh and you will not meed more then a 175 w that is 4 watts per gallon that is all you need go past 5 and i hear that you can kill stuff with 4 you keep almost anything healthy another thing is just read this board for a few days and it will help a ton....... that is were i get 75% of my info.... hth jon:D

salty jeff

Thanks guys for all the info. My wife already bought me the tank so I'm kinda set in that part but with everything else I will take your ideas and read a few books this weekend and then go purchase the remaining pieces to the saltwater tank puzzle next weekend.
Thanks Again, Jeff


I just changed my 35g hex from a fresh to saltwater tank . I am using natural filtration :
45 lbs LR
5" DSB
250 W metal halide 12K
seaclone hang on protein skimmer
I just finished getting the canopy built for the hex , and it was
a lot of planning to make it look right . I will try to get a picture of the finished tank ..... :)


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltWaterNewbie
i would go retro fit or stick with a mh and you will not meed more then a 175 w that is 4 watts per gallon that is all you need go past 5 and i hear that you can kill stuff with 4 you keep almost anything

This is simply not true. The whole wpg thing is a refrence. a hex tank is tall. Not only that but you will find many people here including myself keep a wpg rating a lot higher than 4. If you wna to go by wpg then we will do it.
0-4 low light
8+ high
This is just my opinion. A 175 would do fine for some corals but you would not be able to keep high light stuff in the tank.

chef jaysen

Just thought I would show my 42 gal hex. My lights are visible but I am trying to figure out how to build a canapy to hide most of it. It really isnt hard to keep a hex goin. In retrospec I would probably buy the biggest canaster I could fit underneath and build a canapy with a mh in it. But I have a LTA and a green colony polyps doin great with what I have. This tank just help me get addicted till I get my 150+ reef tank goin.....:D