Starting a nano aquapod 12 gal. ?

I have a FOWLR tank already and i bought a 12 gal. Aquapod to fool around with for reef.If i use some of my LR from my other tank and a bag of live sand and put some of my water out of the other tank how long should it take to cycle ? And after that could i put corals in or should i wait ? Thanks


I broke down a 55gal to make a 24 and 12 pod reef and used LR/LS and some of the water plus a good water change. I had lots of little critters already in the sand and on the rocks. I put in a very small clean up crew and some mushrooms and zoanthids. It cycled a little but not enough to be a worry. However I waited to add any fish. Have fun and good luck I LOVE my nano's. :jumping: The trick is to faithfully do weekly water changes.

Originally Posted by lauras
I broke down a 55gal to make a 24 and 12 pod reef and used LR/LS and some of the water plus a good water change. I had lots of little critters already in the sand and on the rocks. I put in a very small clean up crew and some mushrooms and zoanthids. It cycled a little but not enough to be a worry. However I waited to add any fish. Have fun and good luck I LOVE my nano's. :jumping: The trick is to faithfully do weekly water changes.
Thanks, What fish did you use i will only put one in i'm not sure what it will be yet.


I have 5 tanks total with one as a QT. One tank has a clarks clown and a sixline. One tank has a scissortail goby ( favorite) and one tank has a Bangaii Cardinal so much nicer looking than in pictures!! And one tank is fishless. I had a maroon and a bi-color but just took them back to LFS. Maroon who was getting too big for my tank and the Bi-color was nipping at my montipora, my brain coral and ME!!! :scared: Clark is hosting my zenia vigorously which has me concerned. Another nice fish is a fire fish. I have serpent stars in all my tanks and love them!! Just research what you like and their habits, in that small of a tank the last thing you want is a fish you never see!!! I love the looks of the clown goby but they are so small and never come out. All my tanks are under 25 gal. For me they are easier but there are those that feel a larger tank is better. I just do my weekly water changes with RO/DI check my salinity with a refractometer and add cyclopeeze to feed zoanthids. I direct feed the serpent stars, plates, brain, and hairy mushrooms with fresh chopped scallops they love it. I have tons of coraline on my rocks, the back of the tank and my power head so I must be doing something right. My water always tests perfect and I do believe it's because i do such frequent water changes. 10% one week 20% the next and I stick to that no matter what. Good luck but I warn you, nano's are addictive