Starting a new tank and don't know what to put in it..


Active Member
I have a 50 gallon tank just sitting around in my livingroom so I figured I'd set it up as a FOWLR but would like some smaller aggressive fish in it. Any suggestions? I already have a golden dwarf eel on hold so working around that.


Active Member
Thanks for replying...I have one in my 55 reef with my pair of maroons. I love Bella very much. Beautiful fish.
Would like to see something different in there. Any more suggestions?


Well If it were me I would try something from the butterfly family. I just bought a pair of pyramid butterfly fish and they know how to defend their selves well with their top fin. here is a picture of one. second picture my two.



Active Member
They're beautiful. What do you think about a dwarf lionfish? My husband has been interested in them for quite some time and would love to add one but definitely want to have enough space for everyone.


Active Member
Butterflies really either get too large for 50gal, or need more live rock to pick at then a 50gal can hold IMHO.
I would do a more 'shy' predator setup.
A dwarf lionfish
A marine betta (aka Comet)
A hamlet (your choice on type)
and one of the larger dwarf angels. Half-Black, Eibli, Keyhole, etc


Active Member
I was thinking that most butterflies are too large to stay in a 50 gal permanently.
I was thinking of a stocklist of something like this:
Radiata Lionfish
Golden Dwarf Eel
Leopard Toby Puffer
What do you guys think of it?
I plan on putting a nice protein skimmer on the back and a refuge underneath.
What's your feelings on sand bed or BB? I've got some pvc to make tunnels. Would build the LR around the tunnels to hide the pvc.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
I was thinking that most butterflies are too large to stay in a 50 gal permanently.
I was thinking of a stocklist of something like this:
Radiata Lionfish
Golden Dwarf Eel
Leopard Toby Puffer
What do you guys think of it?
I plan on putting a nice protein skimmer on the back and a refuge underneath.
What's your feelings on sand bed or BB? I've got some pvc to make tunnels. Would build the LR around the tunnels to hide the pvc.
IMO, a lion gets too big for a 50 gallon and the lion would make a quick meal of the toby puffer!


A dwarf lion would be fine, I was actually reffering to the Radiata lion. I had one myself actually. They need a good "cave" to hide in and typically are not nearly as hardy as a volitan, nor are they seen too often for sale.


Active Member
But, from what I've been researching, a dendrochirus brachypterus would be better suited for my needs. They have a smaller mouth and don't usually bother other tankmates their same size.
But that's why I ask.... I want to know everyone's experiences with their tankmates and put together a very compatible stocklist. I do appreciate the feedback.


Active Member
So do you think that puffer and dwarf lion would be ok together or would that potentially be an issue?
I plan on building a good amount of hiding places.

small triggers

Active Member
puffers still have the option of nipping. If you do a dwarf lion and a toby puffer you may be okay, BUT again ya never know.


Active Member
Well, I guess I lean on the side of trial and error here on this one unless someone can give me a definite answer that this is a horrible idea. I'll setup my 29gal hex and if the puffer becomes too much I'll separate them. Time to start working on the hex then. lol


Active Member
Sounds like a plan. Indeed, it's not a sure thing that a toby puffer won't nip a lion, and it's far from a guarantee that he will, so a backup plan is a must (which you have). I would talk to some owners of golden dwarf eels though. They are often very very cryptic (you'll rarely see them).


Active Member
Yes, I do know that they can be very cryptic. My LFS has had this guy for over a year now. I've been watching him this whole time and he comes out of hiding when I walk into the shop now. I guess he recognizes me. The guy at the LFS made an me an offer that I couldn't refuse so I reserved him. I'm definitely not paying what most people do for one. But, I know that he's healthy and eats just fine so that's a bonus. I'll have to take a pic of him when I go in next.