Starting a new...


Active Member
Ok, I am starting my 3rd SW tank in about 15 years. I've never been able to keep one long than about 6 years, though, because I am always on the move, etc, etc....
Now that I am stationary, I am starting yet another SW tank, this time 50g. It's been awhile, though, so I want to make sure that I am not forgetting something crucial. Here's the details:
FO (Semi aggressive)
50g tank
2x24" flourescent strips
Magnum 350 Canister (micron cartridge;350gph)
Penguin 350 Biowheel (rite size sleeve; 330gph)
2x Maxijet 1200 Powerheads (hooked to UGF; 290gph each)
ViaAqua 250w glass heater
45lbs CC
various coral/rock/shell/barnacle pieces (see pic)
I haven't added water yet, as I am still waiting for the heater (of all things) to arrive in the mail. I am getting rather impatient, but patience is what SW is all about. I'm planning on doing the raw shirmp to cycle (thanks!) the tank, and get started.
Am I missing something? Any suggestions? Comments? Let me know!


Active Member
Most people have moved away from the UGF with crushed coral. My dad used to use it too, and it worked for him FO wise, but he could never keep corals ect. You might want to consider getting some Live Rock in there. It helps with the biological filtration a lot.
Get some other opinions on it, might want to look into it before filling your tank though. :thinking: .
Welcome back!!! :D


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, pyro. I think I may just get a little bit of LR, and add it in as I begin the cycle with the raw shrimp. In anyones experience how much does the LR speed up the cycle?
Also, I dont plan on keeping live corals, so is there a downfall to using the UGF with CC? Advantages? It's really what I am used to doing as I have never really had a reef tank, though I dont see any reason why I cant remove the lift tubes on the UGF, and cap off the UGF, as long as the advantages to doing so outweigh the disadvantages.

jimmy g

The live rock will help speed up the cycle because when the microfauna starts to die on the ride home or in the mail this will cause an amonia spike, after the ammonis spikes your cycle will start. If you get LR you wont have to use the shrimp method. Your cycle may take anywhere between 1 week and 2 months. No two tanks are the same so this is why the cycle isnt a set period of time.
Hope this helps,


CC just isnt good at all for any kind of saltwater tanks. it traps your fish's wastes, uneaten food, all that. it also isnt good for certain types of microcrustaceans you want to thrive.


Active Member
Ok, here's the update...
Now using:
Biowheel 330
Magnum 350
2 Maxijet 1200's
SeaClone 100 Skimmer (new; I know, you guys hate this brand)
260w PC lighting on order; arriving soon
45lbs. CC seeded with 10lbs. live CC
20lbs. LR
Started cycle on 2/23 with one med/lg raw shrimp, which is completely disintegrated now. Saw an ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spike. Have been water testing every other day, and now the parameters are:
Ph 8.1
Ammonia 0
Nitirites 0
Nitrates 20
SG 1.023
Temp 79/80
Am I correct in assuming that I need to do about a 10% water change, and the cycle is complete?
My next project is a sump/refugium...In this picture, you might see why....