Starting a population

nyy fan

Well, I think it is about time to begin....
The ammonia is gone, the nitrites are gone, and the nitrates are a water change away from being minimal.
If I want to end up with the following, where do I begin?
Perc Clown
Flame Angel
Yet to be ID'd small fish
Fire Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
possible Blue Lobster
Any ideas?
I have a 37-gallon eclipse too. I wanted a protein skimmer so was forced to take off the back of the eclipse and left the lights on. I have about 50-lbs. of live rock and everybody is doing fine. I use a prizm skimmer and a powerhead for water movement. I have two perc's and lot's of snails and hermits. I have two corals and they are doing great. The green star polyp's are growing off their rock and moving to others.

nyy fan

Do you still have the original lighting? I was told to upgrade to a retro 55W CL if I wanted corals or anenomes.
Does your skimmer help out that much? I was thinking between the LR and bi-weekly water changes I would be fine.


Active Member
the crustaceans and perculas first, i would wait awhile 4 the flame angel, they should not be introduced for about 6 months


Yeah I would go with the Percs first as well. I would definetly wait until you add the Flame. Also if you are looking for another cool invert I would add a CBS they are very interesting shrimp. I like mine alot. :)


The lobster will eat your shrimp, and probably your crabs. When he gets big enough, the smaller fish may become chow as well.
I have blood/fire shrinp and pacific cleaners, and while the fire shrimp are really gorgeous, the pacifics just have a ton of personality- mine leap on my hand to "clean me" whenever I'm in the tank, they feed from my hands, and don't hide like the fire shrimp.
Percs (or other clowns) are a great choice for first fish, but if plan on enentually having a pair, its best to get 2 of different sizes at the same time (or better yet, order a mated pair) because it can be hard to pair then off later- not impossible, but if you read the posts here, you'll see as many problems with percs killing another percs as success stories. A mated pair of clowns is pretty neat, I recommend it.
I made the mistake of adding an Angel to soon (3 month old tank), so I agree that waiting there is a good idea. Flames are great fish- very outgoing personality compared to some of the other dwarves.


I have to change the subject for a do you get away with your screen name?? I personally find it pretty funny, but how did you manage to squeak by without someone catching that one? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />

nyy fan

Thanks to everyone for the advice. This is my first SW tank, so a 37 seemed "managable". As for the fish choices, they will all be small to keep plenty of swimming space and room for gas exchanges. Plus, my LR came together nicely to provide plenty of hiding spaces.
Can I add the Percs (mated pair), and a couple of shrimp all at once?
Note: I asked before, but I'll ask again...if someone (Sharks or otherwise) finds the name I will change. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> ;)


I don't find it offensive. I just was curious as to how you got around "the rules" of not having something offensive. Honestly I think it's kinda funny, but I'm surprised it's "allowed".