adam & jeanne
I'm new to the whole reef thing. I actually started with a fish only tank cycling with damsels. This took way too long so I decided to buy LS and LR to cycle the tank. The LR I ordered had lots of life on it and what I believe to be some soft corals. So we have upgraded a few things and this is where we are at right now. Im just curious if this is up to standard for now.
55 gal
6 damsels(to be leaving soon)
45lbs. aragonite
45lbs. LS
30lbs. LR(30 more to come)
2 penguin 330 biowheels
1 Ebo-Jager 200w heater
2 penguin 550 powerheads
ammo: 0, nitrites: 0, nitrates: trace
temp: 76, alk: 13 dKh, ph: 8.2
the tank has been running for five months, the LS and LR has been in for about 3 weeks. I have upgraded my lighting to 2x65w Power Compacts w/10,000K bulbs. I have also on order Kent Marine Essential Elements, Vitamins, Iodine,and Tech CB for added calcium and alkalinity control.
I have also ordered the test kits for Iodine and Calcium.
Is this a good start or anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
55 gal
6 damsels(to be leaving soon)
45lbs. aragonite
45lbs. LS
30lbs. LR(30 more to come)
2 penguin 330 biowheels
1 Ebo-Jager 200w heater
2 penguin 550 powerheads
ammo: 0, nitrites: 0, nitrates: trace
temp: 76, alk: 13 dKh, ph: 8.2
the tank has been running for five months, the LS and LR has been in for about 3 weeks. I have upgraded my lighting to 2x65w Power Compacts w/10,000K bulbs. I have also on order Kent Marine Essential Elements, Vitamins, Iodine,and Tech CB for added calcium and alkalinity control.
I have also ordered the test kits for Iodine and Calcium.
Is this a good start or anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!