starting a reef, am I ok?

I'm new to the whole reef thing. I actually started with a fish only tank cycling with damsels. This took way too long so I decided to buy LS and LR to cycle the tank. The LR I ordered had lots of life on it and what I believe to be some soft corals. So we have upgraded a few things and this is where we are at right now. Im just curious if this is up to standard for now.
55 gal
6 damsels(to be leaving soon)
45lbs. aragonite
45lbs. LS
30lbs. LR(30 more to come)
2 penguin 330 biowheels
1 Ebo-Jager 200w heater
2 penguin 550 powerheads
ammo: 0, nitrites: 0, nitrates: trace
temp: 76, alk: 13 dKh, ph: 8.2
the tank has been running for five months, the LS and LR has been in for about 3 weeks. I have upgraded my lighting to 2x65w Power Compacts w/10,000K bulbs. I have also on order Kent Marine Essential Elements, Vitamins, Iodine,and Tech CB for added calcium and alkalinity control.
I have also ordered the test kits for Iodine and Calcium.
Is this a good start or anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!


sounds like your off to a real good start. the pc lighting is a good choice you can keep a lot of corals under it but not all. so you'll have to do some checking on what ones. if you use a good salt and do regular water changes most of the trace elements are there for your tank. some people add extra suppliments and some dont. each tank runs different so that is someting that you'll have to figure out for your self. sounds like your on the right track and good luck
Ive been using Instant Ocean, simply because its the one I started with. Is this considered a 'bad' salt or anything negative about it?


From my reading here and at other BB's, instant ocean is one of the better brands.
Sounds to me like your on the right track! Good luck and keep us informed.


Active Member
Looks like you're off to a good start. I too use IO salt and it seems to work really well. You may want to lose the damsels before you ad the rest of your rock, they'll be hard enough to get out now, much less after more structure to hide in.
Where's Henegar, Alabama?
Good Luck!
Henagar is in Northeast Alabama, let's say, halfway between Chattanooga and Huntsville. Fort Payne is about 15 minutes away if youre familiar with the area.
I do have a prizm protein skimmer still in the box. My only problem is I have two penguin 330's on the back so Im kinda cramped for room. Any ideas?
Also the damsels are leaving tomorrow to the LFS for credit. I might try to start purchasing for a cleanup crew.
If I remove the biowheels will I still need to run carbon?
Thanks for the input!!


Active Member
Have you had a chance to go to the aquarium in Chatanooga? I hear it's great.
If it was me I'd remove one of the penguin filters and put on the Prizm. I run charcoal in my system but I know many others don't, or at least not all the time. I like the little safety it gives you if some of the corals want to play a little chemica warefare.
Good Luck!
Yes I have, I made a trip soon after I started my saltwater tank. Its really cool. You get alot of different varieties of environments i.e. freshwater, saltwater, tropical, marsh. etc... You should plan to make a trip if youre not too far away. We went on a Sunday and were able to tour with no more than 30-40 people in the building. We actually backtracked through to look at everything again. If i can help you in anyway, email me @


the biowheels can be removed after you get things going. as far as carbon people use it different ways some none at all, sometimes, and 24/7. i run an emporer 400 with biowheels removed but use the filter media cartridge for carbon and i leave it in all the time. and it has no bad effects on the system at all.the emporer makes for good surface agitation also. you can make room for the prizm by removing one of the filters remember your rock and sand will become your filtration so you really wouldnt be losing anything


Active Member
I'd definately get rid of the damsels quick and before you add any more live rock. We ended up having to tear down our reef to catch them, big hassle not recommended. I have no idea if buying live rock in bulk is consideration for you or not but we started with about 36 lbs of live rock and after cycle we add about 5-8 lbs of cured live rock per month,(from lfs we trust) spend time looking for just the right pieces for our reef and it isn't enough to cause another cycle or anything and it's kind of fun too. :)
they are leaving today. as for the live rock i have another 30 pounds ordered and after we go through the small cycle it will probably cause, i will probably start off with a clean up crew. my sand is not getting moved around very much as it is. then ill probably wait a few weeks to decide what kind of fish id like to add. probably a few gobies to start with im not sure.