New Member
My go-to-fish guy shop owner recently went over to the dark side and closed down his own business and started working for Petsmart.
He was helping me convert a normally fresh water tank into a salt water tank.
There are not that many stores around here that are impressive (most do freshwater only or their facility smell horribly). So, I was learning by trial and error and well the 2 million plus bristle worms and over powering algae won. I had a tang, a puffer, two urchins, clown and pygmy angelfish in a 55 gallon tank. I still have two clowns left the rest I gave to someone who was setting up their tank after letting it cycle for months.
So, I cleaned out the tank very well, savaged the live rock.
It has been a couple of months so I would like to try again. Especially since I found this forum I think I can regain that support again.
For the last three months the tank has been running with:
15 lbs of Live rock - I need to get more from I learned so far
Live Sand-If it is still live. I thought about getting perhaps another bag
Lace Rock (i forget how heavy it is)
Waterfall filter (that came with the fresh water set up)
Cascade 600 Internal Filter with Spray Bar
Protien Skimmer (I can not remember the brand but it cost me about $150 dollars)
PH Buffer 8.2
On the Shopping List now:
new testing kit-I am sure the chemicals expire. someone told me they do go bad.
some sort of wave machine
Some nice looking plant-Maybe Barber Brush
my wish list is:
False Perc.
Sebae Anem.
mandarin goby
The problem to overcome:
New lighting. Right now the hoods are just the normally hoods that game with it with two of 'high quality' CF lights. For me to have a nice happy Sebae I need more lighting. I do not feel comfortable hanging lights over the tank. No matter how secure it seems, Murphy's law. So any suggesting how to fit some proper lighting to fit the tanks top.
Any suggestions at all are welcome to have happy fishes.
He was helping me convert a normally fresh water tank into a salt water tank.
There are not that many stores around here that are impressive (most do freshwater only or their facility smell horribly). So, I was learning by trial and error and well the 2 million plus bristle worms and over powering algae won. I had a tang, a puffer, two urchins, clown and pygmy angelfish in a 55 gallon tank. I still have two clowns left the rest I gave to someone who was setting up their tank after letting it cycle for months.
So, I cleaned out the tank very well, savaged the live rock.
It has been a couple of months so I would like to try again. Especially since I found this forum I think I can regain that support again.
For the last three months the tank has been running with:
15 lbs of Live rock - I need to get more from I learned so far
Live Sand-If it is still live. I thought about getting perhaps another bag
Lace Rock (i forget how heavy it is)
Waterfall filter (that came with the fresh water set up)
Cascade 600 Internal Filter with Spray Bar
Protien Skimmer (I can not remember the brand but it cost me about $150 dollars)
PH Buffer 8.2
On the Shopping List now:
new testing kit-I am sure the chemicals expire. someone told me they do go bad.
some sort of wave machine
Some nice looking plant-Maybe Barber Brush
my wish list is:
False Perc.
Sebae Anem.
mandarin goby
The problem to overcome:
New lighting. Right now the hoods are just the normally hoods that game with it with two of 'high quality' CF lights. For me to have a nice happy Sebae I need more lighting. I do not feel comfortable hanging lights over the tank. No matter how secure it seems, Murphy's law. So any suggesting how to fit some proper lighting to fit the tanks top.
Any suggestions at all are welcome to have happy fishes.