Gorgonians that are nonphotysynthetic, sun coral. there are a bunch out there. Look for nonphotosynthetic corals. You will need to give CONSTANT feedings to keep them alive, and in such a small tank, water quality will become a REAL issue. You may want to hold off until you get more powerful lights as many nonphotosynthetic corals have a relatively Poor rate of survival due to undesirable conditions. Another thing to consider is that when you do get new lights, algae blooms will also be a definite occurence. Therefore, you may be best to get new lights, let your tank get used to them, and then start to add corals. I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear, and in no way do I mean to burst any bubbles so to speak, you can keep any coral you like with enough research adn will to maintain a small tank. But if you do this the safe way, you will save a lot of time, money and frustration.