Starting first nano


Hey I'm starting a new nano reef and I just wanted to know what kind of equipment i should get.
so far i have
10g tank
air pump
planning to get
new hood w/high output lighting
power head
What else should i get
and does anyone have any sugestions (hood specifically)
:help: :confused:


Plan to get a little stonger power head than it says on the package. Most of the time if a power head says it's good for 10 gal, it only puts out medium flow. Do you plan to get a protien skimmer? You should get that, or there are even kits that sets one up to your filter for alot cheaper. As for lighting, Metal Halides are the best, or PCs. But I have found these to be very expensive. I have Three 20watt coralife bulbs on top of my 30 gal. 1 50/50, 1 Antatic, and 1 high intensity, and my tank is doing great and the coral in it are growing pretty well. Look for more advice though. I have only 2 years experience, but I have a 30 gal reef tank, and a 2.5 nano and are propogating, so I think I am doing well. Need any more help, just post.


You can ditch the air pump. Is this your first SW tank? If so, I hope you understand the smaller the tank, the harder it is. Regarding skimmers, look in the online 'catalog' section on this site. That will give you some ideas. Also, you can use the search tool for skimmer info, 10 gallon tanks, and anything else you might want to know. Also check out the beginners section of the boards. You will get answers to the FAQ's concerning new setup. Use the search tool in there also. What kind of filter do you have? You'll prob have to retro fit lighting if you buy it locally, or use this site and order something. HTH!