Starting from scratch, Newbie seeks advice


New Member
Hello everyone, I am new here,
I haven't had a Saltwater tank (or any tank) in a few years, and the last time I had one, my roommate was the expert, and he pretty much took care of everything or helped me with it.
Well, now I have decided to start another one. Lucky for me the local pet store is having a big sale this weekend, so timing couldn't be better

I am looking for some advice. My plans so far are just to have fish, live rock, and live sand. I don't plan on doing coral (I don't want to have to get MH lights, and I'm new at this so don't want to attempt that just yet). I know all the basics, taking your time and everything. My main concern is wasting money, I'd like to do everything right the first time, or close. I have done some research but still have a few questions:
1. Should I purchase one of the "Setups" that has the enclosed hood with the lights and filtrations stuff already in there? (Like and Eclipse or one of those "Bio-cube" thingies) They seem pricey at first, but not that bad after you factor in everything that is included. I'm just worried that later I will toss the junk that came with the tank and pay again for better stuff. If that is going to happen, then I prefer avoiding that, and just buy a regular glass tank and purchase everything else seperate.
2. Any brand names that I should avoid for specific things? (like tanks, filtering stuff, heaters, lights ..........everything....... and refractometers (I've read the threads, and sounds like something I should just buy now and not worry about later)
3. Tank size: I am thinking about getting a 29 gallon (I think the one I saw was from "All Glass" which seems to have a good reputation around here) I was just curious if this tank would be too small for a snowflake eel? My old roommate had one in his 55, and then in his 90. I seem to remember one of my friends having another snowflake eel in a smaller tank, but can't remember what size his tank was. I understand that they can grow to be 20 inches or so over time. I'm also curious about how big of a tank is needed for a lion fish? I've done some research, but most of the info on them is about how poisonous they are, nothing about tank size.
Any and all advice is welcome! The more the better, and thanks to those who had the patience to read my ramblings!!!!


Active Member
I am looking for some advice. My plans so far are just to have fish, live rock, and live sand. I don't plan on doing coral (I don't want to have to get MH lights, and I'm new at this so don't want to attempt that just yet).
You don't need metal halides for corals. Power Compact, T5, and VHO lights will allow you to keep a great deal of corals.
1. Should I purchase one of the "Setups" that has the enclosed hood with the lights and filtrations stuff already in there? (Like and Eclipse or one of those "Bio-cube" thingies) They seem pricey at first, but not that bad after you factor in everything that is included. I'm just worried that later I will toss the junk that came with the tank and pay again for better stuff. If that is going to happen, then I prefer avoiding that, and just buy a regular glass tank and purchase everything else seperate.
If all you really want is fish, an Eclipse system will be fine. Something like a Biocube will have better lighting, allowing you to keep many corals. The problem with any all-in-one tank is that they're hard to upgrade, and you may decide later on that you want more control over the equipment you choose to use.
2. Any brand names that I should avoid for specific things? (like tanks, filtering stuff, heaters, lights ..........everything....... and refractometers (I've read the threads, and sounds like something I should just buy now and not worry about later)
I would say that you're safe to buy pretty much anything from a reputable, well known company. There are exceptions, of course. It's the Brand X stuff you need to worry about.
3. Tank size: I am thinking about getting a 29 gallon (I think the one I saw was from "All Glass" which seems to have a good reputation around here) I was just curious if this tank would be too small for a snowflake eel? My old roommate had one in his 55, and then in his 90. I seem to remember one of my friends having another snowflake eel in a smaller tank, but can't remember what size his tank was. I understand that they can grow to be 20 inches or so over time. I'm also curious about how big of a tank is needed for a lion fish? I've done some research, but most of the info on them is about how poisonous they are, nothing about tank size.
I wouldn't put either of those specimens in a 29. At minimum, I would think 50 gallons, probably more depending on what else you might want in there. I'm no expert on eels or lions, though. Someone may come along and say an even bigger tank is necessary.


i have had a lion and a snowflake in a 55gal. but to be honest, they need bigger. the lion will be alright in a 55, but with not much rocks. then the snowflake needs the rocks to hide. and he can get big quickly if you feed him right. and let me tell you, if you don't feed him right, he will find other food sources if you catch my drift.
but just remember when dealing with fish and tanks, you may start off with a 29 gal, or 55 gal. but you will always want bigger. it happens to everybody.


My snowflake eel has gone from 9 inches to at least 20 inches in 6 months and has in my opion out grown my 80 gallon my nieghbor has a 125 and is taking him to give him more room.
Im not sure on the the lionfish but from what I understand they can reach a foot in length.I was told that a dwarf lion fish could be put in a 30 gallon for a while but might eventually out grown it also in time.


New Member
Thanks for the info guys!
I would prefer to stay away from anything that is going to outgrow my tank really fast, so I'll be sure to avoid those two, no matter how much I want them.
It's sad to see the eels at the pet store in the 10 gal tanks, and you know that you have a tank or could get a tank that would be way better for them, but it's still too small!