Starting hypo

How much water should I take out at a time in an 8 gallon to perform hypo in 48 hours? I have a refractometer and my current salinity is 1.025ppt.

eric b 125

i'm no pro, but i think that taking 2 gallons out at first, with a slow drip of freshwater into the DT will get you close to half way. then tommorrow you could do another 2+gallons.
I did a 1 gallon water change and slowly dripped 1 gallon of fresh RO. My salinity is now 1.022, I will be doing another 1 gallon water changed tomorrow. My clown seems to be doing fine, he is still eating and acting normal.

al mc

Active Member
Your goal is to get to 1.009 SG in about 48hours from start. If you are at 1.022 after 24 hours I would not push to 1.009 over the next 24 hours, but over 36. I would pull out 2.5 gallons in the morning and drip in RO water of similar pH and temp over 18 hours, then pull out another 2.5 gallons and drip in 2.5 gallons of RO water over another 18 hours. That should get you near 1.009 in 36 hours. Monitor your pH carefully during hypo as you have lost much of your buffering capacity in the hypo state.
Well I already have him in hypo and he is doing great. No signs of stress, eating fine. 18 hours seems a little long to have the little guy in the tank without pumps on. My water level would be too low to actually turn the power head on, I only have a BC8 as my QT.


I have a nanowave 9 as a qt and I know what you mean about the water level. I just took a gallon out at a time and added a gallon of RO water right away and did this several times over a two day period, monitoring the salinity as I went along. That way you can keep your pump going in your BC. I saw no ill affects from adding the gallon of RO back in that tank each time. Make sure the RO is heated to the temp of your qt tank.
I noticed as well that the RO I put in did not cause any stress to my fish at all. I was slowly dripping the water at first but I noticed that it was taking a very long time to get the salinity to where I wanted it. My little fish has been in hypo for a little over 24 hours, and I can see a huge improvement already