Starting my aquarium over


well it looks like i should of read more info on salt water fish my mistake but my pet store gave me all wrong information by telling me i dont need live sand or live rock just crushed coral and can cycle it through dead gold fish. So i was wondering if anyone would like to walk me through on everything i need and how to do it i would appreciate it, if anyone has MSN or email plz email me my email is


ive never heard anything like that... it sounds crazy.
but yea you need live rock and live sand and it needs to cycle and your amonia and nitrates/trites need to spike and come down
i would imagine fish only is easier to keep
but how boring


I dont know if i could afford a reef tank either ill be paying for this with my part time job and i also need money for a car


Try this thread it is a lot of very good threads written to help people starting saltwater.
You mentioned that you are not sure if you can do a reef tank. I will tell you I have a 35 gal reef and I have about $1500. invested in it now. So think about what you want.
If you do a fish only tank or FOWLR then get a 55 or bigger tank.
Again read that link and then get back with us. Do a lot of research and then ask a lot of questions on here. People on here are very helpful and usually but not always LFS(Local Fish Stores) will miss lead you.


i read alot of it and learned alot, im not wanting to get a big tank just i like the size of the 20G to put in my room ,all i want are 2 clown fish and anenome and maybe a royal gramma, How much LR would i need for a 20G and LS


read all the threads on the top of the board that are saved.
fish only with live rock and live sand is the easiest.. but a coral reef tank is a million times better for show and entertainment yet much more dedication is needed. i would start with just LR w/ LS tank first, and if it isnt a overload.. and u have extra money for lighting and corals.. get them later on. 55gal is the bare minimum thats recommened, esp for beginners. Smaller requires more work, more frequent water changes, more disasters waiting to happen (1 small thing could ruin everything vs a bigger tank u can make a few mistakes and it would be the end of things). i would say 75gal-90gal is more ideal. gl!
ps i have my tank in my room, its a 55gal & i love it. i wouldnt go any smaller. if its size thats trouble, dont get a 55long, get a cube shaped one. its like 30x24x18 i think roughly


Ill take that into consideration, ill probably sell my tank i have now to my dad for the ammount i payed for and buy all new stuff ill probably get the 55G unless i find a bigger one for around the same ammount


ok, to have a anemone you need MH lights. IMO For a 55 G you need 55 to 80 pounds of LR. Use dead sand for the base and 1 to 2 inches of sand. The LR will seed the sand or get a handful of live sand from someone to seed it.