starting my aquarium


i am starting another 20 gallon tank buuuuuut,
i am going to be putting alot of inverts in there
2 serpent or brittle stars
3 turbo snails
2 nassuarius snails
2 red legged or scalet hermit crabs
1 emerald crab
1 porcelin crab
1 decorator crab
1 feather duster
1 curly q anenome
and some kind of macralgae and live rock tufa rock mix
i don't want to put in damsels to start the tank but what other fish could i use that are peacefully and small?


Active Member
you could start with a , my lfs calls it a blue velvet, but ive seen it called a blue devil, hes black w/blue neon looking stripes, and a small white stripe , very hardy little guy. also a redlip blenny, ive had one since my tank was 2 months old, hes done great, and he has Lots of personality, as do all blennys. Just make sure what ever you get doesnt reley on micr-fauna to live with such a young tank, the red lip blenny like green stuff. sorry wish i was more help, buts its soo much fun starting up the new tank!! Todd


WOOOAAAAHHH no velvet damsels they become hellions after about a month, For a 20 you COULD have 4-9 inches of fish so you could mix and match
Clownfish (probably two) 3 inches a peice and 5 if you get 2 (the male would stay smaller)
royal gramma 3 inches
pigmy angel 3 inches
firefish 3 inches
green chromis 3 inches
a beluga whale 2 inches


oh, you will start the cycle if you just put in the 20 lbs of rock, if its uncured, but if not you can just throw in a frozen tabel shrimp and that'll start it as well


Active Member
Mine has always been real peacefull, but hes probly a retard or something!
but the Firefish would be an awesome fish, great choice new2u ! i was rackin my brain, had vapor lock !!
and the gramma and pygmy are both awesome looking fish, especially in a smaller tank, they would thrive! :happy: Todd


so you mean live rock will start my acclamation period or nitrogen cycle of my tank. when could i start to add my fish?
which of my fish should i add first?
1 lawnmower blenny
1 firefish goby
1 percula clown
1 royal grama
this combo is ok w/ my combo of inverts above right?
and when could i start adding my inverts?
and thaxxxx to every one for there imput so far.


Active Member
Dont add your lawnmower till you have some lawn ! (or green stuff) I would stsrt with the firefish or goby, but wait till your tank has cycled! usually around 6 weeks unless you push it, but i dont know how to do that?? But heres how i stsrted mine, water and chemicals for the first week, then i added LR after about 2 weeks total i added some Black Mollies, they just helped the water get aclimated, i removed them after 6 weeks . put in live sand about 4 weeks out from the beginning, now thats how i did mine, may not be the right way but it worked for me, and i have a 125 gallon tank, so it may not take as long for yours. Todd


woah there buddy, after thinking a bit scratch the lawnmower blenny, your inverts would take away his food :) and try to add up a combo that equals 9 inches like say,
2 clowns
1 royal gramma
2 clowns
1 fire fish
2 clowns
1 pigmy angel
1 clown
1 pigmy angel
1 royal gramma
1 clown
1 pigmy angel
1 fire fish
1 pigmy angel
1 royal gramma
1 fire fish
those are just about all the suggestions I can think of. Oh you can add your inverts after you cycle your tank minus the curly Q and star fish (they're a little bit more sinsitive. Oh, and everything on your list is reef safe so if you ever wanted to go reef you could ;). Also, I would go with a 20 gallon long because of the added swimming space and ease of lighting. Oh and don't listen to your LFS I work at one and know how they lie... I almost got fired the other day for refusing to sell a boxfish to a guy with a 10 gallon tank... ahh but I digress ask me anything that you need, dont be intimidated that im a kid :p