Starting my QT


Any thoughts on the best way to set up a QT tank?
I have a 12 gallon cube that I was thinking about using...
Would you use the sponge? live rock? sand? or just some pvc?
Should I wait till my tank cycles and use that water?


New Member
I used the water from a water change of my display. I also poured in a cup of sand from my display to help it cycle a little faster, then removed the sand.


Active Member
I would not use live rock in the QT. Just put a filter sponge in your DT for a while. Nitrifing bacteria will live in it then you put that in the QT. That way your cycle will be short. Usuing water from the DT wont do much for the cycle besides putting dirty waater in the QT. I dont think it will hurt better than throwing the water away.