starting my tank AGAIN!!!!!!!


well its been about a year since i took it down and am ready to try again is it ok to use my old live rock that i stored and im thinking about a canister filter is that ok?


Active Member

Old live rock would now be base rock. You need to clean it well then you can add some live rock on top to make it all live later.
If you could do a sump/fuge, I think you would like that much better. Canisters tend to be out of site out of mind which leads to nitrate issue down the road.


New Member
When i purchased my tank it came wit the old live rock.I washed it with salt water and put it with new rock.Its fine and that was two years ago..


Active Member
You can buy one already ti install. You will have to install or have some do it. You can probly get more help with that on the equipment/DIY board. I haven't installed mine yet but it is premade.


Active Member
WHat size tank. You want 1-1/2lbs per gallon. Unless you have a 25gal or smaller I'd use all and add a feww live pieces on top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicole05
i have about 60/70 lbs of rock should i only put 20/30 lbs in and get live rock
What size tank is it? In my tanks I started each with about 60% base rock and 40% live rock, and if you get a sump setup with a fuge you could put some of that base rock into the fuge for additional filtration.