starting nano?


New Member
I was considering a 15 gallon nano and was wondering if anyone had some helpful advice for me as far as equipment. ie. filtration, skimmer, lighting, etc etc. A shopping list would be great. :). Also, would metal halide+pc combo ( 150 hqi+2x18 power compact) be to strong or overwhelming for a tank so small. I ask because I have one not in use and that would really save me some $$. Any advice would be great. Thanks.

big fish

If you are going to do a small tank then you need to keep a close eye on your water conditions because things can go wrong very quick.As far as equipment I still have a stock nano and have not had the money to make any mods.but put on some moonlights. Sorry not a lot of info Im still prety new at this myself.
good luck

soo high

first off if this is ur first tank u going set up, get a bigger one because nano are a pain in a

and the same amount of money u spend to run it, it will be as running a 55 but thats my .02cent


New Member
Thanks for the concern, but this is definatley not my first tank :). I have been into reefs and marine aquariums since I was 14 years old. Sadly I am now 30 :( Anyways, I have maintained many of reef setups from 55 gallons on up, however I have never attempted to keep a reef in something so small. Just recently, I upgraded from a 150 to a 210 gallon reef. Not the most dramatic upgrade but the 210 was a freebee from a close friend who moved overseas. Too make a long story short, setting up a new aquarium has started the "fever" for me again beause lets face it, new tanks are always fun, anyways, restocking a 150 is out of the question because I dont want end up the poor house, I figured a Nano could be just as rewarding. So, thanks for the warnings, but I think ill be OK, especially with the advice and help from fellow reef enthusiasts such as yourself. :). With that being said, I have been shopping around via internet, and I was thinking about this for starters....
15 gallon
150w HQI + 2x 18w actinic (as stated earlier)
Fuge (possibly small CPRw Skimmer or DIY fuge + CPR bakpak2 skimmer)
Can anyone think of anything else I might need? (aside from misc. things like powerhead, additives......
Should I use a heater, or will a heater+lighting cause unstable temp?
I was also thinking of a small canister filter, for carbon?
As you can see I have many questions, so advice will be very helpful and much appreciated at this point. Thanks again.