starting need help


Active Member
I'm not convinced Aquapods lights are as good as they claim...
Also, be sure to read about the recall on 12 gallon Aquapods due to electrical issues...
Buba, your big cost issue is lighting. If you are on a budget, forget going reef and just do a FOWLR (Fish Only with Live Rock). That way you could get a bigger tank. You can always upgrade your lights later and then start doing a reef.


Originally Posted by bubashrimp
are u sure thats the site it just does back to this site sned it to my email
i sent you to the nano forum on this site same type of stuff and look as here but only dealing with small tanks.


seannmelly your email never came
and journ do u have pics of the fish only tanks??i would like to cheak it out.also when pallan told me about the cost of the 1st tank all i did was add up the things needed like heaters and proteinscanners and it was like 500$..if i dont get the tank with all of it in it wont it be that expencive?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm not convinced Aquapods lights are as good as they claim...
Also, be sure to read about the recall on 12 gallon Aquapods due to electrical issues...
Buba, your big cost issue is lighting. If you are on a budget, forget going reef and just do a FOWLR (Fish Only with Live Rock). That way you could get a bigger tank. You can always upgrade your lights later and then start doing a reef.
there have been recalls on certain aquapods but not all of them. it has been most of the ones that do not have a serial number above the upc. we had a couple at the store that didnt have the serial number but they ended up being fine.


hey also go to where u see the nano thread on this site and ull see my name in the most resent click on that.. thats a cool 10g tank i want one like that


Active Member
Originally Posted by bubashrimp
seannmelly your email never came
and journ do u have pics of the fish only tanks??i would like to cheak it out.also when pallan told me about the cost of the 1st tank all i did was add up the things needed like heaters and proteinscanners and it was like 500$..if i dont get the tank with all of it in it wont it be that expencive?
No, no pictures... mine is a reef tank.
A Fish only tank gives you the option to upgrade later. That's the only reason I suggested it. Go to your local fish store and price tanks. Then add the cost of a heater, skimmer, and powerhead or 2 for circulation. Add sand and live rock.... That way you can budget how much you need.
The hobby requires patience, so once you get it set up and cycling you will have some time to save up again before you need to start buying fish and inverts.


k and look at the last posted thread in the nano forum where it has my name the first tank on there is like my dream tank


k so at the site i can get the 12g tank and the fission skimmer for $172 but than there is shipping so more like 182


remember you will still need the testing stuff as well
test kits for
ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate, (needed) also suggest calcium, alkalinity, phosphate
you will also need a refractometer or other testing devise for salt (hydrometer)
spend the money for the refractometer about 40 bucks plus much safer than a swing arm hydometer (wich can be innacurate).


also for the live rock how much should i get and how do i arange it
i want it to look like that one pic i told u to go to