Starting new reef


i currently own a 44 gal fowlf, i am about to order a 250 watt metal hilide for my canopy. I was wondering what corals i could own under those lighs.. also what else do i have to keep in mind? i can regulate all nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, ph, calcium, anything else?
You should be able to keep anything under metal halide lighting. You will have to be careful in that 44 that you do not position the light too close to the water. One is the heat concern as the MH will heat up the water quickly unless you have a chiller. That is if it is very close.
The second concern is bleaching corals and that has to do with the PAR value, which is how much light is reaching into the tank. The value gets less the deeper the tank of course. So placement of the light will be key.
Canopies limit your ability to place them at a certain level above the water, so just be careful with that. A hanging bracket would work best, but sometimes those are not an option depending on your set up.


thank you. With my cannopy setup, the light will be about 4 1/2 inches away from the water, seperated by glass. would you think this would be a problem with a 250 watt bulb?
also, for begginer corals like xenia, zoas, mushrooms, etc.. would i have to add any special requirements in the water?


Active Member
raise it higher. thats too close if you ask me especially for the softies you mentioned


okay,, i really have no way of raising the fixture though and i didnt want to hang it. my 44 gal pendagon is a pretty tall tank, and i was going to put the softies towards the bottom, my only problem is that i am worried if the fixture will burn through the canopy