Starting new saltwater tanks Q&A


New Member
I was woundering if anyone had any comments for a new saltwater tank owner? Any comments would be great. I'm very new at this and have lots of questions.


Can you give us a rundown on what you have right now such as filteration, lighting, substrate. Also, what do you want to do with your tank? Im assuming we are talking about a you want a FOWLR(fish only with live rock) or do you plan on setting up a reef tank?
I have a 30g too...and only been running for a few months however.


By the way...welcome to the board!

Be sure to! You will learn so much from all these people, you have no idea what I learned here so far in the past 2 months!


New Member
Hi and thankyou.
I have a 30 gal with 2 overflow filters. I just started my tank 1 month ago and my fish are doing great. The problem I am having is too much evaperation and I am getting an accumulation of a crystal like substance near the top of my tank and on the side. I thought it might be salt but when I checked my salt level in my tank before I added water it was a higher level then when I set the tank up.
I do appreciate you responding to my thread. I look forward to learning much from experenced owners of saltwater tanks.


First off....that white stuff is salt creep, not a big deal. When you top off your need to add fresh water. Remember that when your water evaporates....the salt doesnt, and stays in your tank. That could be the reason why your salinity is high. Dont worry about the salt creep...its normal.
As for the 2 overflow you have a sump that they are flowing water to, or are they mechanical filters. For your tank, you probably only need 1 filter, and might want to look into getting a protein skimmer(especially if you are going for a reef tank).
What kind of fish do you have?
What kind of lighting do you have?
Just trying to get as much info as possible so I can help you out.


New Member
Hi Stapler,
I'm not quite sure what kind of lighting I have. It is a floresent light but not sure what strength it is. The filters I have are mechanical and I don't have a sump pump. Is a sump a filter that you drill holes in the tank? Anyway if that is what your talking about I am planning to get a filter like that for my 55 gal when I get the money. I love fish and started with a freshwater tank 3 yrs ago and loved it. I was always scared to start a saltwater tank because of the care it needs. My daughter likes the Nemo movie and thats the reason I started a saltwater tank.
Please tell me more about yourself and how your tank is setup. I love to here about how other people are doing with their tanks and the trial and errors they had.


New Member
Ya me too! ***** told me that I couldn't put a Blue Hippo Tang into a 30 gal tank. The guy said there is a real good chance that the fish would die. I am planning to get a 55 gal when I can raise the $$.:D


New Member
Hey, nice pic
I really like your tank, it looks great. I have live sand and am having problems getting rid of the dust in the sand. My tanks glass is really dusty looking and when I clean it it comes right back. As soon as I get a chance I will take a pic of it and post it.


Hey there,
When you first add will take a few days to settle down. The bacteria in your tank will pull it down to the bottom. Have you started the cycle in your tank?
As for lighting, you probably have a plain ole' flourescent light...which will be insufficient if you plan on keeping any corals in your tank. If you just want some fish, that lighting would be fine. You might want to look into what you would like to put in your tank in the future...such as corals. Some need intense lighting such as a Metal Halide bulb...and some dont need much light, such as PC or VHO lighting. Thats up to you...but my best advice to you would to get the best lighting right now that you can afford. Trust me, later down the road you will be thankful.
The mechanical filter will help keep your water clean...but you should look into getting a protein skimmer, especially if you want to keep a reef tank.
Good luck on getting things going....just take your time...dont rush things!


New Member
Hey, I have had the tank up for a month and a week. I'll tak your advice on the lighting because I haven't decided if i'm going to add plants or reefs.


New Member
Hey Stapler, I have some questions on lighting? I took your advice and I'm looking for good lighting but having some trouble. When I went to ***** they told me I should get 50/50 lighting. I'm not sure what they mean by 50/50. I was also woundering what you mean by PC lighting? What is that? What do you think the best lighting is for the lowest price?


Active Member
50/50 Means Half Actinic(Blue) and half 10K (White) Spectrum
PC = Power Compacts
PC's are usually the cheapest but if you want clams SPS go with MH Im getting Dual 250's with Spyder Reflectors and Bulbs for 274.99 All together