Starting new softie tank....


Active Member
and was wondering if 150 watts of VHO would be enough. The tank will be a 29 gallon.
I am getting the PFO retro which comes with two seperate cords to control each light. I was thinking a actinic and an aquasun. How does that sound.


Active Member
I used to use aquasuns and then one time tried the uri white actinic and like it a lot better. Aquasuns tend to put off a reddish tint where as the actinic whites are a crisp white color. I would go with one actinic and one actinic white.


Active Member
I think that softies should love that light. I am running 225watts of VHO over my 29 and things are doing great but, I feel that the lower light corals are hiding a little bit. 150 may be a good comprimise. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks that is what I was looking for! So is that enough light to keep softies?
Rye - one actinic and one actinic white sound good to you as well?


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Hey while I've got your ear, what's a good distance off the water for them? Is heat going to be an issue?


Active Member
I keep mine about six inches from the water. I have a fairly well enclosed canopy and I still don't have any heating issues. No fans.


I started my mother's 29g reef with only 110w PC and so far so good. She even has a bubble coral that has doubled in size in about 7 months.


I went with 50/50 only. Adding actinics made the tank too blue for me, but that is a personal decision. :p
My bulbs are about 3 inches above the water. I lay them on the edge of my 55. With the caps on, they lay perfectly on my perfecto 55!:D They cannot fall in, but taking the top off (which is rare) can be exciting.


Active Member
Well after more thought, I think I might go with a 150 HQI over it. Good light for sofites and may be able to keep an monti or two.
Anyone have experience with the new ushio 20K?