Starting off in thw wonderful world of salt water..


New Member
Hows everyone doing. I was wondering if any can help me with some salt water fish questions. Starting the tank inparticular.


welome to the board, you can ask any question you can think of. there are so many people here that know just about everything when it comes to this hobby. as for the tank, what are your plans. fish only, a reef tank? do you want a sump or refugeium?


Active Member
Bring it on we're here to help! As stated what do you want to keep? What size tank?
Welcome to the boards!


New Member
well i have a 60 gallon tank. I have a aqua clear power filter for a 60- 100 gallon tank. I have a aqua heater stealth 25 250 wats. And i have a sea clone 100 protein skimmer


I really like the plain jane emporer 400, i know I am in the small minority on that, but I have done Freshwater in the past, and have always loved the product. If you go that route, dont skim on the skimmer. (get it :hilarious ) I would go with the Coralife Super Skimmer 120. I love my set up...
If you dont want to go this route, trust me the experts on here will tell you what to get :cheer:


Well, if I was you do ALOT of research. I really didn't when I first started and I wish I would have. Take your time, be patient, and don't rush your tank. If you want fish only you could go with a lot of different kinds of filters. I have a 55 gal. with about 70 lbs. of lr about 30 lbs of ls and I use a fluval 404. My skimmer is a coralife super skimmer and for the money it's about the best. I made refuge out of a skilter 250 by stuffing it full of cheatomorphs ( I think I spelled that right ). I have a small powerhead but my flow is cool with the refuge and the fluval. All I want to do is make sure you know to do RESEARCH. These boards have a wealth of knowledge use them.


New Member
thank you everyone. It has been a great help. Any one recommend any books that i should pick up and research?


Active Member
"The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" By Robert Fenner is a great place to start. Will answer a lot of question for you........