Starting over after 3 years.


New Member
Hello everyone. I have been in years ago but had to leave for the military for the very last time. I have a 130 gallon glass tank with old live rock that has been in storage all this time. I am ready to setup the tank again.
This is where I need help.
1. What is the best way to clean the tank with dried algae?
2. How to clean the rock to get all the nasty stuff off.
Thank you in advance...


Hello there and welcome back to this wonderful addiction!!!
1)You can soak your old tank in a 5 to 1 solution of water to pure white vinegar. This should help loosen up the coralline algae that may be left over on your aquarium walls and also help with in deposits and build up as well.
2)What I have done in the past with my old rock is rinse it very good in RO water then soak it for a couple of days in RO water then drain the container then ad a heater, powerhead, and saltwater and cure it like that for several weeks, I also used a skimmer.
So people like to rinse with RO water and then soak it in a beach solution then rinse the rock again several times then place the rock in saltwater as I stated above. I have never done the whole bleach process but maybe others will chime in.
These are things I have done in the past and it worked for me. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back.
1. White vinegar. Razor. Newly bought unused terry cloth. Wash, rinse, repeat.
2. If your rock has been stored wet, take a new, unused plastic bristle brush and brush the crud off in the old saltwater and then do a 100% water change to get rid of all the crud.
If stored dry, a chlorine bath and some bristle brush scraping is in order. Keep in mind, if stored dry, you now have base rock and will have to buy some live rock to have the necessary bacteria and critters to help stabilize the system.


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to the forum....also a Hardy thank you for your service.
Razor is the best way to get old algae off of wouldn't touch a drop of bleach on any rock. All those little tiny nooks and crannies, if bleach were to get down in there, I wouldn't trust any amount of rinsing. Snake knows his stuff, and others have done it...but I wouldn't.
A good brush scrub (fish only) and soak in saltwater, is all I would do with the rock.


New Member
I finally cleaned out the fish tank with the help of my little children. This week I will be cleaning the equipment. Since my departure from this hobby I found my list of additives and crap I had purchased before I left. Here is the list I had previous bought. If I could get input on any new opinions I would greatly appreciate. I will be adding a variety of corals and fish to go under my new LEDs. I had SPS, hard, softies and clams before. I am doing the same.
Reef Complete
Reef Trace
marine Trace
Reef Carbonate
Reef Buffer
Reef plus
Liquid marine Buffer
Reef Fusion 1+2
Reef advantage Magnesium


Active Member
My .02 is regardless how the rock was stored wet or dry, it doesn't matter.....I had rock sit for 3yrs in a tub.....water all drained out of the rock, so it was dry.....With that said it came out of a running system so there would be life form that did die off on the rock once stored.....Brushing will only get surface matter, but a good bleach soaking would definitely be my first approach to clean things up.....Then water change and run in RO water and monitor Phos for a bit......
No need to go out and purchase any LR to seed the new rock....Let things take it's course.....


New Member
Thanks. I will be cleaning the rock this week while kids are on spring break. Getting my masters I clinical psychology and retiring from the Marine corps, I forgot a lot of reef keeping..


New Member
Well, this was a short visit. Our fighter wing was called up again and I have chosen to leave for this tour. I have 7 months left before I can retire so this should be a great tour as my last. I want to thank the people who have helped me restart my tank. I was able to get he live rock formed, RO/DI setup, and the sump installed. My son will get the rest going. I have told home to use this site for any help. Please be nice to him. Until I come back, keep reeling......Semper Fi


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamesculter http:///t/394591/starting-over-after-3-years#post_3517314
Well, this was a short visit. Our fighter wing was called up again and I have chosen to leave for this tour. I have 7 months left before I can retire so this should be a great tour as my last. I want to thank the people who have helped me restart my tank. I was able to get he live rock formed, RO/DI setup, and the sump installed. My son will get the rest going. I have told home to use this site for any help. Please be nice to him. Until I come back, keep reeling......Semper Fi
Good luck!! Thank you for all you do for this country!!