starting over - cycle w/dead shrimp?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by NaCL-Man
I left for a month or so. Glad to see bob has stuck around even with all the 'plant-bashing'!

awww shuckie derns golly ge whillikers
farm out outta state :D


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by cfritz8770
Can I add plants before cycling?

Yes!!!!!!! It is best to first establish the plant life and then do the rest.
and what plants do you recommend?

there are several good options including the shaving brushes sold at SWF. I have read mixed review of those so you might want to do a search here on shaving brushes.
Various caulpera can look nice and are fast growing. Some can go sexual and create a real mess. I have had good luck with the kelp like full leaved caulperas and less luck with others. A long leaved feather did cloud my culture tank for instance.
Some may require more light and some need calcium like the hermedia(spelling) (money plant).
Ulvas are lettuce like and basically fish food. I have some tumble weed like Gracillias( spelling) which my tang loves but are not that pretty. Also some brillo pad which are a light green. Both are in my refugium.
There are also turtle grass which is grass like and seems hardy. Available on line for about $3.00/ blade plus shipping.
I got a striking red macro from an ---- auction. It is slow growing and doing very well and the fish leaves it alone.
An excellent source would be locals in you area who are throwing away handfuls of macros each month from their systems. Free is good and you could experiment to see what works.


Active Member
Be careful with adding too much plants...the amount you put in the tank may look nice now, but as Bob said, some do grow really fast and can get out of control. There is a tank at my LFS where the LR is covered in plants and you can't see some of the corals...I was told that whenever they clean off the rock, it grows back within a couple of weeks so they just let it go.
A little dab of plants in the display will do ya...but I suggest keeping most of them in the sump/refugium. That way you get the benefits without the hassle of cleaning a lagoon.