Starting over, my tank diary :D


OK, so i have had my tank for awhile now, but i have never had the right equiptment for it. I was also using tap water for changes. So, awhile back a cyano problem started in my tank.
it basically took over everything



I decided there was nothing i could do for it besides break my whole tank down and scrub the heck out of it. so that's what i did! (with the help of my mother- she is the one in the pics)

i also bought a great sump, and a protein skimmer was included in the deal ( you can see the green gunk it's sucking out of my tank) :cheer:

here is my rock setup after i put everything back together:



ok, i have an order from swf on it's way. All i ordered were some fish that i will post pics of as soon as i get them. My intentions are to turn this tank into a reef, an i have decided to wait about a month to get corals. Does that sound like a good plan or would you wait longer?

fish addict

It would be okay as long as you didn't get really sensitive corals, the sensitive ones you should wait until your tank is more mature, around 6 months.


I ordered a flame angelfish, a lyretail anthia, a royal gramma, some copepods, and some snails. that's if for at least 2 weeks. I am still considering buying a RODI unit. and that is going to eat up my money fast. haha, so i don't think i will have a problem with overloading my tank with tons of corals for awhile.
i should have some pics by wednesday!


Originally Posted by fish addict
It would be okay as long as you didn't get really sensitive corals, the sensitive ones you should wait until your tank is more mature, around 6 months.
I have had my tank for quite a while already. All that has changed is i scrubbed all the cyano off my rocks and out of my sand. The water is the same so it should still be pretty mature, right? but i will definatly make sure all my water testings are perfect before i add any corals at all.


ok, so i come home from a track meet to find out that my mother had bought 2 new fish at ***** on her way home from work... i have 3 more coming in a couple of days from SWF. One of the fish was a blue hippo tang
! I only have a 55 gallon tank, and i know all about how bad it is to have a tang in a tank as small as mine. My mother bought it on inpulse though. I did make a deal with her that when it gets to big for the tank then we are going to have to give him away. He is very small at the moment so i don't think it can hurt having him for a while. How big should i let him grow?
here is dory :


Active Member
I hope things go better this time!
DO pay VERY close attention to your water parameters. It is a lot of fish to add at any time, but especially after a big clean out like that. I am just really worried about an ammonia spike :(


yes, i am to(worried about the ammonia). I was in no way expecting these 2 fish that i came home to find today
I really hope nothing goes wrong.... i'm pretty nervous, but the only thing i can do is do more woter changes and constantly stay on top of things.


Active Member
lokin better but like ophiura said just keep an eye on ammonia after the scrub down... the hippo will be fine for a while its a small one


ok, so the amonia is decreacing steadily! i'm very happy about that. I also have pics of my fish i got in from SWF

here is my flame angelfish hididng under my rock:

here he is by my gorgonian:
