starting over(stingray)


Active Member
Ok today is a sad day....very sad!!!
My PH was 7.0!!!!!!! And it killed my puffer and goby.I have my lion and eel left(and clean up crew).So i went to the pet store to today and saw a baby yellow spot stingray.I wish i could have him.
I have a 55gal tank with a eel and v.lion and iam upgrading this christmas.Can i place the stingray in my tank??I will give up my lionfish to have the stingray.So it will be eel and stingray.
I forgot to place the buffer when i did the water change.But the pet store guy said i could place the ray in the 55gal.

tony detroit

Active Member
Your tank is too small and you are too inexperienced and underfiltered to keep a stingray. Have you read any beginners books?


Active Member
I have not read a begginer book....i have been doing all the reading a reserching on the computer.My water is fine today and my dad bought me another striped puffer like a hour ago.


based on the questions you have been askiing on these boards and the size of your tank i think you should try and stay away from sharks and rays for awhile.


:) Hi I am a new member but I have been in the hobbie for more then 13 years and let me tell you that you should buy a book called sharks and rays by scott M
I think you could keep a ray in that aquarium for a week or 2. But it might not have very much room. What is the size of your tank in inches? Surface area is the most important element when setting up your sharks tank for example you could buy 2 black tipped reef sharks and put one in a 400 gallon aquarium and the other in another 400 gallon aquarium with different dimensions. The one shark would be in a 8' long by 3' high and 2' deep tank, this shark would live for 6 months if you were lucky. The other shark would be in a 400 gallon also but the dimensions would be 12' long and 1' high and 4'wide tank, this shark would live for 1 1/2 years because of the surface area of this aquarium.
I think that you shold hold off till you have a 180 gallon or larger aquarium size 6x2x2 no smaller then you could buy a yellow stingray (Urobatis Jamaricensis) and keep it for the full lenght of its life
Also I have been keeping sharks and rays for a long time, and there is a lot to know about them like feeding a nutritional deficienies. Know the animal before you buy it.
Thanks Sean S


Active Member
my dad bought me another striped puffer like a hour ago.
Does yer dad buy all of yer stuff for ya? Cuz ya know, it just doesnt feel the same wen u let yer parenst buy all of yer stuff for ya. Ya gotta work for it man. I got me a JOB, busing tables at a restaurant. Not just for the tank, but for a car as well, and let me tell ya, it pays off. Parents give ya limits, but with yer own money, you got the ropes. I just purchased my own 120 gallon tank. Know how good that feels?? Try reliving yer favorite christmas!!:jumping: :jumping:


New Member
Yo Chandler, why dont you just shut your mouth and mind your own business. This guy doesn't care about your job and what you do at it. You need to watch your mouth before you say something to the wrong person one day. You are always negative to other people's tanks and you seem to think like youre some kind of expert. Everyone here is learning including me. Chill out.


Active Member
hi guys,
I emailed ***********.com and they said i could keep a rounded stingray in my tank for 5months(thats when i will upgrade).Anyways,the only fish i will have in my 55gal is my chainlink eel and striped puffer and the rounded stingray.Iam building a sump right now and i have a Emporer 400 and i do water changes every week(5gal).But if there is no way i can place the stingray in my tank and ***********.com lied to me is there chance i can place a small Brown banded shark in my tank for 5months? AND CHANDLER04 the reason my dad bought the fish for me is because the aquarium is mine and my familys(but mainly mine).


*********** will say that because they want tomake a sale. why put the fish through alll the stress. by the time it is fully aclimated into your tank it is too big and you have to sell. Do whatever youwant but i wouldnt recomend either.


Active Member
:confused: :confused: What?? Iam just jokin. Ok so maybe i will get the ray or shark in november.How fast do they grow?
My LFS said the same thing as *********** and the manager at the store is realy nice and he is pretty smart.He told me i could but the ray or shark in my 55 for at the most 5months.And i might be upgradeing sooner, like the 3rd week of january i would but my fish in the bigger tank.


THe shark will be fine in the 55 as long as you get him near to newborn. I would wait on the stingray until you get your larger tank.


Active Member
Dude, you REALLY need to stop this shark and ray thing until
1. You posess a tank to house them thier entire lives
2. You posess the equipment to keep them alive for thier entire lives
3. You posess the knowledge and experience to keep them alive period
4. You have the tank up and running for at least 2-3 months with some kind of bioload in it.
Only when all of these criteria are met should you even attempt one of these animals. If you are waiting till Nov. to buy one, and youre getting a big tank in Dec, wait until Feb for the sharks and stuff. I know I have already preached all of this to you in the past and it sickens me to go over it again. However, if you rush this process with the wrong equipment, they WILL die and you have a hole in your heart and your wallet. PLEASE dont do it!


Active Member
I said similar stuff in the Fish Discussion forum regarding the shark idea.
Cartman101, trust the people here. It may suck to hear what everybody is saying, but the people here have been keeping sharks and rays for years, and have no motivation to lie to you or give bad advise.
The LFS and *********** do have motive to say things that are either wrong or on the line, esp ***********, which I have viewed in the past.
Take your time, patience pays off a lot, and like I said in the other forum, buy the Scott Michael book.