Starting Over

tuna dan

My 55 gallon was soon to be reef felt the wrath of Katrina. I got back to the house 3 days after the hurricane. We had 5 feet of water in the house and my tank was awful. I found my clowns dead at the bottom along with all the snails and hermits. It was so terrible. I just threw all the rock and sand out. I did not want to run any risk of contaminants from the water in the house. Now I just need a litte encouragemeant to get going again. I had alot of money invested in the tank just down the drain. What do yall think start over big or graudally build my way back up. I saved the pumps skimmer lights and filter so i have all the basics.


Active Member
Well you have all the equipment so your ahead of the game as far as that goes. I would just clean everything and start over with new sand & LR then take it from there. I can relate to your experience with Katrina to some extent, I went through Charley last year with no power for a week & just got my power back from Wilma this week! I didnt have water in my home thank GOD but Ive had my share of hurricanes too! I dont think anybody respects what a hurricane is until they experience one themselves. Its some scary stuff. Good luck to you!


I can fully feel what your going through. I lost an entire 110g in Katrina. We had a cucumber in the tank that completly destroyed everything. If you saw picture of the N.O. Aquarium, that is what this looked like. Total i figured losing about $2000 from mine, but a guy I know on the coast lost his house
with his tank that had over $30,000 just in corals
. But i would say start over big, find the tank that you have always wanted and make it now while you have the chance.
Like you said you have all of the basics so just find what you want and go with it Good Luck! :cheer:

jam marine

This hurricane season has really been active,there has been so much loss,when you think you have it bad,trust me there is someone that has it worst,that being said,i would also encourage you to get the tank going again,after Ivan last year,i felt the same way,but as we all know this hobby is like a drug,once you get a taste its hard to turn our backs,good luck to you,and everyone who has suffered loss


Well i live in Florida too know the feeling does anybody know if you can claim on your insurance for the loss for this hobby is very expensive and wold think ou could recap some of the loss ?I know I would try if anything its like a piece of furniture