Starting Over


New Member
Hello everyone,
Been lurking here for quite a while and thought i'd post. What a great resource this is!
The plan is to go FOWLR. I have a 36gal corner-style bowfront. Live sand substrate and about 40-45 lbs live rock. Filtration currently consists of a protein skimmer on back and a sump underneath. Lighting is just a standard 2 bulb flourescent that came with the tank originally.
No fish at the moment. The first time I set up this tank (slightly different setup including a canister instead of the wet/dry) I made the common mistakes of not using RO water, not allowing the tank to fully cycle and adding too many fish too soon. Ultimately nothing survived very long. The tank sat empty for months before I drained it, replaced some of the rock and started over.
I am practicing zen-like patience this time. It's been a month now and the tank is cycling slowly. Ammonia is slowly rising but no measurable Nitrites or Nitrates. I suspect not enough life on the new live rock to cycle quickly.
Now the questions: :help:
1. Can I safely add more live rock to the setup now? I am thinking maybe another nice 10lbs or should I wait until the tank cycles. The ammonia is at about .5 ppm.
2. Should I beg someone for some bacteria rich "stuff" to help jump start the cycle or should I continue to wait. (okay okay maybe not so "zen-like" after all.

3. After the cycle finally finishes and I do my water change, what should I add first? Fish or cleaning crew? Should I just add 1 fish at a time and how long before I add a second, etc.

Looking forward to reading your responses and thanks to SWF for this venue!


I would go ahead and add the new rock.. at this point it will not hurt. You can throw a raw shrimp in to help kick start the cycle. You will want to go the clean up crew first to help keep any algea blooms under control.
Good Luck sounds like you are on the right path this time


New Member
I will head to the LFS and pick out a nice piece or two and try the shrimp also.
Still wondering about the timing regarding adding other life.
How long after cleanup crew should I add a fish? Then how long before I should add a second, etc.
