Starting Over



My tank was taken out by a case of ich and now I am starting over. I really didn't do things the right way the first time so my tank and liverock have a serious amount of algae on them and I was wondering how do I go about taken everything apart and cleaning everything. Thanks in advance.


There are lots of ways to clean your rock you can use a tooth brush, boil them, but a preaure washer works the best IMO


New Member
I lost my tank not long ago to a case of brook. I also had a fair bit of algae in my tank as well. When I started my tank over I put my live rock and stars, crabs, conchs and snails into a tank I had here and took out 90 percent of my water (I also switched from cc to sand) then refilled the tank and let it run. Once the tank had cleared from the sand I put all my snails etc back in. Not right away but about 2 weeks after the tank never actually cycled again as I still had the bacteria in the pump and of course the original live rock went back into the tank. I still have 4 blue damsels in qt tank. I was told to let my tank run fish free for 3 weeks which I am doing. It took alot of scrubbing to get the old algae off the tank before I drained the tank. The live rock from the tank also had a lot of algae on it so I just sort of rubbed off what I could and then let the snails do the rest. I have alot of snails in my tank and they did a great job of cleaning off the remaining algae from the rocks. I used to have alot of red algae in my tank but now it is all green and not even a quarter as bad as it was and the snails and rest of the cleaning crew is keeping up with it very nicely. This is just what I did of course. To be on the safe side for the brook I am going to wait another couple of weeks yet just to be safe. Not sure if this helps you or not


New Member
So you can actually scrub you lr with a tootbrush. I was never sure if you could I thought it would kill any of the creatures in it.


Another question how long can the live rock be out of water


Active Member
Get a rubber-maid container large enough to hold your rock and some water. Mix up a new batch of water same SG as you tank. Take out your rock one at a time and scrub them down with a new tooth brush.
Place the rock in the rubber made with the new water and toss in a power head for some circulation. Then just keep container out of any direct light and the remaining algae will die off by the time your ready to set up your tank again.
Basically the same way you would go about curring new rock except the lack of light and scrubbing and some water changes to kill off the algae. Could even run your skimmer on/in the rubber maid during the process if you have one.


sorry if this is a stupid question but does the rock have to be completely submerged in the water


Active Member
yes. You want the rock to remain "alive" until you can restart your system so keep it submerged.