Congrats for getting back in, and and your new flooring will accent the beauty of your new reef!
Since you're starting over, you have the advantage of learning from your mistakes and have a new opportunity to do things better than before.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I totally understand the expense of live rock and can relate to why you want to re-use yours, BUT...The whole bleach and/or vinegar thing makes me nervous. Rock is very pourous and nearly impossible totally clean. Even if you get it pretty clean, it will still be DEAD rock. The absloute best option is to buy all new live rock if you can. If you can't afford new live rock, I suggest you buy some new SAFE clean dead reef bones/reef rocks to build most of the reef and suppliment with a few pieces of live rock to seed the rest. With several months, you will have lots of live rock...
I know if I had to start over, I wouldn't take any short cuts or put in any less-than-prime objects into my tanl. Do it right!.....even if it means you have to do it slower. Never comprimise quality!
Good Luck Again!