Starting over

Almost done with the craptastic divorce. Looking forward to getting my 10 year old clownfish back and being in this awesome hobby again. The stand is 2X4 with Oak on the outside to make it look nice. I rounded over or camphered the edges to make it look nice. I also did a design on all the doors which looked much cooler until the finish discolored it. Just a few pics to show where I am

Four months. Where has the time gone ? I got the tank going finally. Last step is getting my old stuff from my ex wifes house. So close !
My dad gave me all his reef stuff because he is getting to old to care for it. This is the impeller from the calcium reactor he ran for years. It is literally melted.
Hard to get a good picture with the matel halide but you can see most of the equipment. Still need to figure out a better place for the ballasts and electrical.
Just running the metal halides until I figure out some form of design to add the 640 watts of VHO I have. The metal halides are dual ended HQI's with electronic ballasts. 250 watts each.


Well-Known Member
Just beautiful, and it looks really good and sturdy! I agree you do really need to get your electrical off the bottom of the stand in there....some velcro in the back will hold the power strip...maybe a small stand next to the tank for the ballasts, that's what I used.
Turning on the calcium reactor even though the impeller melted. I have one being delivered soon. I spilled the pH 12 solution and luckily the dogs were in the back room. So ready to have fish again !


Active Member
Looks good!!!!!! Really wouldn't even be concerned at this point with the Ca reactor.....Definitely no need for it currently......
The calcium reactor is hooked up to an auto top off Tunze unit. I needed to hook it up eventually so I figured I might as well do it now and have it top off the tank


Just curious,I am waiting on a tunze auto topoff myself,later down the road I may need a calc system,how would I hook it to the tunze ? Any suggestions appreciated.


Thank you. Maybe a two part manually at first if needed? And just let the ATO do it's job,is that a possibility ?
My dad ran them together for years. Not sure how it would be a problem. My philosophy is go with what you know. I know my dad grew some big ass corals with that calc reactor and top off unit. Seems to be working perfectly so far. To each their own =]
Thank you. Maybe a two part manually at first if needed? And just let the ATO do it's job,is that a possibility ?
The tubing from the RO/DI unit is T'd. One side goes to a 150 gallon horse trough in the garage and the other side goes to a reservoir for the top off unit. The reservoir is a salt bucket with a float valve attached.
The reactor my dad have me has quick release adapters for the standard 1/4 inch tubing. The pump for the auto top off unit sits in the bottom of the reservoir with a tube coming out. That tube goes into the calc reactor. There is a tube coming out of the reactor into the sump. If that doesn't make sense I can take some pictures tomorrow =]


Active Member
GirafwMaster not saying it won't work but your setting yourself up for failure. Your dad may have done it, but the impeller pic proves things happen and malfunction, and lets say the ATO would malfunction and hang open your tank will be flooded with kalk. That is a fact and rather careless IMHO