Starting reef...


New Member
Wanting to start adding corals to our tank...
Right now I have two tomato clowns, (med sized) one yellow banded clown, (med. sized) two damsels, (one med. sized the other small) one Naso (lipstick) tang (large), one yellow tang (large) one dottyback (small) and a new Chocolate chip star. (3 inches across)
What corals make good starter corals and are any of my fish not good for coral/reef type tanks? I have figi live rock that is about two years old...The tank has black sand.
Right now I am just using a 50/50 light and I know I will need another type of bulb... What?
The only filter I have ever had, and it has worked great so far is a dual wheel bio filter and pump, with one extra power head on the other side of the tank.
Need some advice on where to take the tank from here. Thanks.


What size tank, and how much live rock does your tank have in it already? The only problem I see with your animals is the chocolate chip star... they will sometimes eat corals. Mushroom corals or leather corals are a good place to start with a new reef tank, assuming you have it set with live rock. Stay away from stony corals at first.
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: Sonny ]


New Member
The tank is an 80 gal.
I have about 45 lbs. of live rock in it now. It needs about that much more to be 'done'. Do I have to get all of my rock before I can add corals? I would think I could add a piece of rock at any time as long as it was cured completely...


New Member
Thought I would add that I already have a couple of mushroom corals (I think) growing from my live rock. One is about the size of a quarter and the other is maybe dime sized.
They are round on top, with just one center stalk to connect to the rock, looks kind of like a umbrella, but flat on top. Kind of a dark pink on in color....Mushroom coral right?


Active Member
What are your water parameters?
I believe you have to get rid of the Starfish before you start addding corals.


Active Member
Those do sound like 'shooms.
Lose the starfish. (Return it to your lfs for a credit if you can.)
Upgrade lights before adding corals. I'd think about vho's or mh if you don't want to be limited in what type of coral you can get. Do a search on lighting. ("Search" menu on top of this screen.)You can still use your NO with the vho's or mh, just put a blue actinic in there. HTH
Take care,
Dan'l :D


Active Member
Hey again!
I forgot to mention that you may want to get the rest of your lr in there before adding sensitive corals in case your tank cycles again. If you can be sure the lr you add later is FULLY cured you can add it in stages as you go. If it's not cured 100% your tank will cycle again.
Take care,
Dan'l :D